
Zx spectrum: the computer that marked the 1980s

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Sincalir ZX Spectrum was a personal computer that was launched in April 1982 and that marked a whole generation in the 1980s, especially in European territory.

ZX Spectrum: A bit of history and its games

Its compact design, its price, the possibilities at the programming level and its catalog of games, catapulted this computer to success, which managed to sell some 5 million units in all its variants.

One of the factors that influenced the success of the ZX Spectrum was the content of its ROM. In the 16KB of ROM memory that the Spectrum had, the BASIC programming language was included, which at that time was called Spectrum BASIC, the most widely used of the time and which enabled many programmers to start launching their own applications and games to the system.

Until the time the ZX Spectrum was discontinued in 1992, more than 20, 000 programs were published, most of them were video games but there were also text editors, programming languages ​​such as C, Pascal or Prolog, database managers. data, spreadsheets and even graphic design programs.

The video system of the ZX Spectrum was another pillar for its success, it was capable of displaying 256 × 192 pixel images with 15 colors using less than 8KB of memory. To carry out this feat, a novel system was used in which the eight basic colors (black, blue, red, magenta, green, light blue, yellow and white) had a second variant with less luminosity except for the black color that remained unchanged. The system provided good image quality for the time but also required extra effort on the part of the programmers.

Sinclair also released a variant of the computer that included 48KB of RAM instead of 16KB, keeping the same 3.5MHz Zilog Z80A processor.

During its 10 years in the market, the ZX Spectrum gave us some of the great classics of video games, such as The Abbey of Crime by Opera Soft, Saber Wulf by Ultimate Play Games (now known as Rare), Maniac Miner, R -Type, among many others:

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  • Atic AtacBatmanHead Over HeelsSir FredTarget RenegadeKnight Lore

If you want to know all the ins and outs of the ZX Spectrum, its history, its games, its applications and all the news, visit the world of the spectrum.


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