123456 is the most used password of 2016

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How can 123456 be the world's most widely used password ? We are always warning about privacy, which is at risk, and that we must protect our accounts with a strong password, with different characters and long enough. No passwords of only numbers or letters! Always mixing numbers, letters, uppercase, lowercase, periods, hyphens… to be more sure.
But this latest study is scary, because we are talking about 17% of users who have a password of 123456.
123456 is the world's most widely used password
As we have read through blog.keepersecurity.com, these guys have revealed to us that during 2016, 123456 was once again the most used password in the world. From the previous link, you will be able to access all the data from the study and see all the "popular" passwords. If yours is on the list, you should change it now.
But with respect to 123456, we are dealing with one of the least safe but most used combinations, although 1234 was before, it seems that now users have decided to "increase security" by adding two more numbers, but it is still totally insecure and easy to know.
Keep in mind that if you know right now that 1234 and 123456 are the most used passwords, hackers or those who want to enter your account, surely they have already looked at it, so anyone can enter your account now if you have any of these passwords. Change it now! Yes, I know, it is lazy and time is wasted, but it takes you 2 minutes and once you update the passwords on all devices, you will be safe.
How to choose the perfect password?
- Avoid “popular” passwords / patterns (such as the ones listed above, type 1234 or 123456). But be careful, because you should also avoid typical passwords or common patterns, such as 1q2w3e4r and 123qwe. Use a random password generator or create a strong password yourself. Use a variety of (mixed) characters.
It is important that you stop for a few minutes to change your account passwords and strengthen security. Having 123456 or a “master” password like 1q2w3e4r, as hard as it may seem, is like having no password.
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123456 Still the most used password in the world

123456 is still the most widely used password in the world. Find out more about this list of worst passwords.