
9 Essential Things You Need To Know About VR

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The VR glasses (virtual reality) is seen as the future of the video game and is just taking its first steps, with some games that are coming soon and that we will review in due course in this article. We are going to give you some tips that you need to know before entering the world of virtual reality.

Bring all the graphics power you can

Keeping up with the 90fps refresh rate that modern virtual reality glasses require requires a good graphics card and at this point you need to have the best of the best. Oculus and HTC Vive require at least a GTX 970 or R9 290. Currently the minimum recommended is a GTX 1060.

Your CPU is surely enough for VR

Currently an i5-4590 or similar processor is totally sufficient for video games and virtual reality, having a better than this or more expensive processor does not provide greater benefits for video games beyond a couple of anecdotal frames.

Oculus Rift and HTC Vive are just as amazing

Away from the discussion of which glasses are better, there is no doubt that both of them are really good at what they do and there are no higher quality options in sight, so whichever you choose will be a good option depending on what is arranged. to spend. Oculus Rift costs about 600 dollars and the HTC Vive about 800 dollars officially.

Watch out for cables

When you are immersed in virtual reality it is easy to forget that of the cable that connects it to the computer. For these cases it is more comfortable to use clamps to locate the cables through the ceiling and thus not tangle with it.

Laptops are an option

By the time VR glasses were starting to hit the market, there were no laptops that were powerful enough to make them work well. Today we already have some highly recommended options like the ASUS ROG G752VS OC Edition or the Strix GL502VM that are capable with it.

Prepare for a workout

For the virtual reality experience you have to stand and move, this is a much greater physical effort than sitting with a controller. Keep it in mind, if you like to do physical activity, virtual reality is not for you.

This is getting very 'hot'

VR glasses put two screens on your face and these are not very different from those of a normal monitor screen. VR glasses get hot in long sessions and this can be uncomfortable.

Be careful with pets

It is not necessary to write it but I will do it the same, with the glasses on you do not see what surrounds you and if there are pets nearby they may interpret that you want to play with them. There are endless situations that could occur so we leave it to your imagination.

You're going to look silly

Virtual reality in video games is still taking its first steps and is not as widespread. Surely seeing someone with glasses on, moving and waving their arms from side to side, may seem silly enough, until you try it for yourself. Yes, virtual reality will give a little shame to those who see it from the outside, but they will not understand the experience until they experience it for themselves.

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