
Things you need to know about windows 10

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Since its announcement, Windows 10 has surprised users with news such as the arrival of the Cortana virtual assistant and a replacement for Internet Explorer. But recently, Microsoft has reached a new level by confirming that the OS update will be free even for owners of pirated versions of Windows 7 or 8. To better understand how the update process works, Microsoft explains it before its official launch..

1. How long will Windows 10 be free?

The launch of Windows 10 for free does not mean that it is continuously available to users. According to Microsoft, Windows Update 10 will be free for one year for users worldwide. After that, whoever decides to join the new system will have to pay a license or adapt to the limitations imposed by the manufacturer.

"The Windows 10 upgrade will be free for one year to all users worldwide who upgrade to Windows 7, 8, or 8.1, " Microsoft said in a statement. "Windows 10 will be available as a free update during the first year for new or existing devices that currently have Windows 7, Windows 8 or Windows 8.1, " he reports.

If a device is considered to be non-genuine, or without a license before the update, it will be considered non-original or unlicensed after the update

2. Who can update Windows 10?

Not all Microsoft operating systems will be compatible with Windows 10. For starters, it is vital that your computer has Windows 7, 8 or 8.1 installed, either original or pirated. According to the manufacturer, free upgrade users who have the following versions cannot do so: Windows 7 Enterprise, Windows 8 / 8.1 Enterprise, and Windows RT / RT 8.1. Also, it is necessary to ensure that the machine has the necessary hardware configurations.

3. Who has a pirated version of Windows 7 can upgrade?

Windows 7 is the oldest version of the platform that can be upgraded to Windows 10, even in pirated copy. Access to news, however, may be different depending on the version of the system. For Windows 7 RTM users, the update will be done using ISO (DVD burning) media, Windows 7 SP1 (Service Pack 1) can also make the change through Windows Update.

4. Does the update change the pirated license to genuine Windows 10?

No. Users have the right to update the operating system, but that does not change the status of their license. That is, it will remain a "non-genuine copy" and they need to activate the license. If it is considered a non-original or unlicensed device before upgrade, this device will continue to be considered non-original or unlicensed after upgrade, Microsoft explains.

5. What limitation to the user of a pirated version of Windows 10?

The unofficial version of Windows, according to Microsoft experts, is subject to an increased risk of malware and fraud, theft of personal and financial data, and exposure of user personal data. Also, the hacked copy of the operating system may show poor performance or malfunction as it is not covered by support or warranties.

It is possible that the computer displays the message "this copy of Windows is not genuine", indicating that the lack of updates to security packages and other limited resources on the system. The update keeps your copy of Windows 10 pirated, the user will remain with these and more restrictions (which may include access to Windows Store), even after the update. To guarantee security, the official way to regulate this situation is to acquire an original license.

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