
Some apple products will rise in price in china

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The trade war between China and the United States, started by Trump and with constant new tariffs between the two countries, continues to cause problems. Apple is one of the companies affected by these tariffs. Since the prices of their products in China are going to rise in price as a consequence of them. Something that consumers in the country will not like too much.

Some Apple products will rise in price in China

Although, according to the American President, the solution is simple. If they take the jobs back to the United States, the tariffs are over. Will this work like this?

Price rise at Apple

Among the products of the Cupertino firm that will rise in price are not all those in the firm's catalog. The tariffs affect only part of Apple products. Those affected would be products such as chargers, the HomePad, its smart watches and adapters and various components. Although there is a product mainly affected and they are the computers of the American firm.

Therefore, Apple computers would have a price increase in China if both countries continue to be engulfed in this trade war that has lasted too long. And the effects could be seen in prices, which could cause a drop in sales in a key market such as the Asian country.

Many tech companies have written to the White House about this problem, which would force them to raise prices in China, with the consequences this may have. We will see if this has any influence on the president's attitude and if a solution comes soon.

Gizchina Fountain


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