
Amazon launches its own dual lightning adapter and 3.5mm jack for iphone

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Just over a year ago, Apple took a step forward, daring to remove the iPhone's historic 3.5mm headphone jack. The move went well, so much so that nowadays more and more manufacturers are following in his footsteps. However, this gesture still poses a problem: Those who have their own headphones could not charge the iPhone and listen to music simultaneously. Or at least, not without an adapter like this from Amazon.

A previously unnecessary piece of plastic

The removal of the standard 3.5mm headphone jack from the iPhone 7 was a brave move that, followed by other manufacturers, has cemented a reality where 'dongles' are the norm. Google's new Pixel 2 smartphones have also abandoned the 3.5mm jack plug, so the era in which we could charge our devices and wear wired headphones at the same time seems to be rapidly coming to an end.

Fortunately, Amazon has already made its proposal for iPhone users by launching a Lightning adapter and 3.5mm jack that lowers the price of Belkin's previous proposal, while adding cool features.

The product in question has already begun to be marketed in the United States under the Amazon Basics brand and has a lightning female connector and a 3.5 mm jack connector. In this way, users will be able to charge their iPhone while listening to music on their wired headphones on any model of iPhone 7, iPhone 8 and iPhone X.

Its price is $ 29.74, five dollars less than the new Belkin adapter. But also, unlike this one, the Amazon adapter is somewhat smaller and more compact, and integrates buttons with which you can control playback. Despite this, the feeling of buying a piece of plastic that was not necessary before will be inevitable.


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