
Amazon prime video is free for premium users

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If you use Netflix, you are surely trying other alternatives like HBO to enjoy the best streaming content. But today, the popular Netflix platform comes more competition: Amazon Prime Video is already available in Spain. But do you know what is best? What is free for premium users. If yes, you read it right… if you are an Amazon premium customer and you are paying those 19.95 euros a year to have free shipping, now you are going to be able to enjoy Amazon Prime Video.

Free Amazon Prime Video for Premium Users

The guys from Amazon have just activated Prime Video in Spain. This means that you will be able to enjoy all the series and the best content whenever you want. So if you don't know what to watch on TV, now you will no longer have any excuses with the new Amazon Prime Video service. It is similar to Netflix, although at the moment the catalog is smaller, but there are new series and a lot of content designed for you.

Many series that were pending to be released in Spain, now arrive with the Amazon service. This is one of the reasons to try it. But there is another one that you are going to like a lot and that we reveal below.

But the most incredible thing is that if you have Amazon Premium (you know, for free shipping paying 19.95 euros a year), you will be able to enjoy the Prime Video series and movies for free. It's price is awesome!

For this price of € 19.95 a year, you will get free shipping, access to Prime Now and access to Prime Video. More for the same, only 19.95 euros a year. Although watch out, because at the moment the catalog is not too big. But we hope that more movies will be added soon.

If you are not a Premium user, try it free for 30 days. You just have to enter the web and click on the " start your 30-day free trial " button.

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