Graphics Cards

Amd statement on rx vega pricing and availability

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AMD has released an official statement on its new range of RX Vega products, where it ensures that the demand for the new graphics cards is higher than expected and that more units will arrive on the market soon.

AMD's Statement on the Availability and Prices of RX Vega Products

Unfortunately, AMD has said nothing about the exact pricing of the new RX Vega graphics or whether the ones at the time of launch, when they cost only $ 499, will apply to the new wave of independent RX Vega 64 units. Following statement it can be seen that the company claims that the standalone RX Vega GPUs will be available for purchase, although there is no mention of a possible downgrade for a limited time.

The Radeon RX Vega 64 continue to exceed our expectations. AMD works closely with its partners to resolve this lawsuit. Initial launch quantities included Radeon RX Vega 64 units priced at $ 499, Radeon RX Vega 64 Black Pack bundles priced at $ 599, and Radeon RX Vega 64 Aqua Pack bundles priced at $ 699.

We are currently working with our partners to restock all dealers with all Radeon RX Vega 64 units, including Gamer Packs and stand-alone cards, over the next few weeks. In addition, new Vega units will begin arriving in the coming days.

After talking to AMD partners, the guys at overclock3d report that RX Vega graphics cards are products with very low profit margins, so their sale does not bring too many benefits to sellers without the presence of a significant discount for part of AMD to cover these losses, although this is highly unlikely to occur, and the company will surely continue to retain these prices over the next few months for dealers.

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