
Amd gains market share in all processor sectors

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AMD continues its slow but steady climb in market share, according to the latest Mercury Research report. In the last four-month period of 2018 AMD gains market share of processors in all sectors.

With an advance of 1.5% in servers, 1.3% in laptops, but especially on desktop, where it has advanced 2.8%. This increase continues AMD's annual trend of advancement thanks to the acceptance of EPYC and Ryzen during 2018, and also places AMD in its highest share since the last quarter of 2014.

Analysis of the server quota.

Mercury Research notes that, in its server unit estimate, it captures all x86 server processors regardless of device (server, network, or storage), while the estimated total market provided by International Data Corporation includes only traditional servers.





I and

Historical Comparison

Server (excluding IoT)

0.8% unit share

1.6% unit share

3.2% unit share

+1.5 share points

+2.4 share points

Highest since Q4 2014


12.0% unit share

13.0% unit share

15.8% unit share

+2.8 share points

+3.9 share points

Highest since Q4 2014

Notebook (excluding IoT)

6.9% unit share

10.9% unit share

12.1% unit share

+1.3 share points

+5.3 share points

Highest since Q3 2013

Using International Data Corporation's server forecast, the Total Server Market Rate is calculated at approximately 5 million units. Achieving the result that in the fourth quarter of 2018, AMD achieved around 5% of the share in servers powered by EPYC processors.

And in view of this advance, do you think AMD will get close enough to Intel?


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