Amd doesn't believe in nvidia dlss, it will focus on smaa and taa

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AMD appears to have made a decision regarding NVIDIA's DLSS. The company wants to continue supporting the development of SMAA (Enhanced Subpixel Morphological Antialiasing) and TAA (Temporal Antialising) solutions, which are more open developments, which, according to AMD Marketing Director, Sasa Marinkovic, “(…) will be Widely implemented in games today, and they perform exceptionally well in Radeon VII. ”
AMD prefers SMAA and TAA technologies over DLSS
AMD does not want to invest in yet another proprietary solution than already exists. The red team wanted to demonstrate the TAA and SMAA technologies are better than DLSS because they do not leave effects on the image as DLSS does due to the resizing of the images. TAA works with native resolution and is the one that would be offering higher image quality, they say.
The screenshots supplied by Techpowerup appear to be reversed.
"SMAA and TAA can work just as well without the image artifacts caused by DLSS magnification and rough filtering." says AMD.
The screenshots supplied by Techpowerup appear to be reversed.
However, company representatives stated that, in theory, they could develop something similar to DLSS through a GPGPU, a task for which AMD architectures are often very suitable. At this point, DirectML and WindowsML already implement a similar technology for resizing or rescaling images in real time with very good results and AMD commented that they work really well with some of their Radeon graphics cards, but so far we have no news about their implementation. in games.
It seems that AMD is not too confident that DLSS technology will be implemented in many games in the future, as will Ray Tracing, both powered by NVIDIA.
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