Amd wants to create a standard for external graphics cards

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AMD intends to create a standard for external graphics cards to solve one of the main problems faced by laptop users, the lack of power for complex 3D graphics processing like the most advanced video games.
When purchasing a portable computer, users face various dilemmas, including having to opt for great power or great portability. This situation is due to the need to create very voluminous and heavy equipment if we want them to be very powerful and able to handle the most demanding video games with ease, therefore we will have to choose between light and highly transportable equipment but with discrete power or on the contrary a very powerful but large and uncomfortable equipment to transport it.
External graphics cards, desktop power in a compact notebook
AMD seeks to create a new standard for external graphics cards that would solve the aforementioned problem. We could have a very light and compact equipment at the same time as a great graphic power, the idea is to have an external accessory that would house a desktop graphics card and that we can connect to our laptop to increase its ability to process very complex graphics.
These external accessories would have their own power supply and an advanced cooling system so energy and heat would not be a limitation. In addition, with the great advances in HBM memory, you can create very powerful and small graphics cards, so the size of this external unit would not be excessive.
The standard for external graphics cards proposed by AMD would be based on the USB 3.1 Type-C and Thunderbolt 3 interfaces to obtain the necessary bandwidth for data transfer from the external GPU to the laptop to which it connects.
Source: arstechnica
External graphics cards shown with thunderbolt 3 interface

Inventec shows two interesting modules to externally use a more powerful GPU for our laptops
Nvidia points to the cart of external graphics cards

Nvidia has already announced solutions to use its GPUs externally, specifically there has been talk of models based on its powerful Titan Xp and Quadro.
Best external graphics cards

Looking for an external graphics card for your laptop? You will find the best models! Economical to the most TOP, all with Thunderbolt 3