Amd raven ridge has yet to receive new graphics drivers since its launch

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The AMD Ryzen 3 2200G and Ryzen 5 2400G processors have revolutionized what is capable of offering users a processor with integrated graphics, because for the first time, AMD's Raven Ridge APUs offer great performance in both graphics and that of the processor.
Raven Ridge needs new drivers
We've already analyzed the performance of AMD's Raven Ridge APUs in video games, proving to be highly capable as low-cost gaming offerings, though that doesn't mean AMD can't do better. It's been over two months since AMD launched Raven Ridge in the desktop market, with six versions of Radeon Software released since then, from version 18.2.2 through 18.3.4. None of these versions includes support for Vega graphics integrated in these processors, which is a bit sad news for its users.
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Current AMD drivers for Raven Ridge are based on version 17.7.1 of Radeon Software, which is not supported by Radeon ReLive, AMD's video recording solution. Added to this is that without new drivers, AMD's Raven Ridge CPUs and their included Vega graphics chips have not received optimizations for modern games, which damages their potential. Raven Ridge also doesn't have the benefits of the ReSX Project, which has brought latency improvements and more stability to PUBG, Overwatch, DOTA 2, and Fortnite.
While Raven Ridge can deliver great gaming performance without driver updates, it's still disappointing to see AMD leaving its users without the support they deserve. Some Raven Ridge users have been able to install the newer versions of Radeon Software, allowing features like ReLive on the platform. We hope that AMD will improve support for these processors very soon.
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Amd releases new graphics drivers for raven ridge

AMD releases a major driver update for its advanced Raven Ridge Ryzen 5 2400G and Ryzen 3 2200G processors.