Android 8.1 oreo introduces a tsunami and earthquake alert system

Table of contents:
- Android 8.1 Oreo introduces a tsunami and earthquake alert system
- Android 8.1 Oreo alerts to natural disasters
Smartphones have become an item of great importance when natural disasters or accidents occur. They can even save lives on many occasions. Therefore, introducing functions to warn or detect such disasters can be useful. This is what has happened with Android 8.1 Oreo. The new version of the operating system includes a Tsunami and earthquake alert system.
Android 8.1 Oreo introduces a tsunami and earthquake alert system
This new system has already been introduced in Japan, a country where earthquakes tend to occur with some frequency. So the system can be useful in the Asian country. In this way, in the event of an earthquake or tsunami, citizens will receive an alert.
Android 8.1 Oreo alerts to natural disasters
The Association of Japanese Telecommunications Operators has announced that this system will be implemented within Android 8.1 Oreo. In this way, the system does not depend on the operators, but depends on the FW of the device. This system is called ETWS (Earthquake and Tsunami Warning System). Includes alerts for both earthquakes and tsunamis (separately but also together) and also for terrorist activity or missile attacks.
The association itself has left with a PDF in which they explain the operation of this alert system. It explains the steps that are followed:
- The earthquake happens The sensors of the Japanese Meteorological Agency detect what happened In 4 seconds the first alert is issued to telephones The alarms of each zone sound that alert the population 10-20 seconds after the first alarm, a second message is sent to the mobiles informing How citizens should act The earthquake wave reaches the area that has been alerted in advance
At the moment this Android 8.1 Oreo system is exclusive to Japan. Although it would not be surprising if it reaches other countries where natural disasters are relatively common.
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