
Android is much more reliable than ios according to study

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There has always been a silent battle between the iOS and Android operating system to see which is better, the fastest, the most reliable, and outside the battle between fans, there are companies that are specifically dedicated to conducting studies on the subject.

Android outperforms iOS in reliability

According to the study by Blancco Technology Group, a group specialized in data protection and in the diagnosis of mobile devices, the one that has been winning this battle in recent months is Android, Google's operating system. The study indicates that the iOS platform has increased its error rate to 58%, when in the same period in 2015 it had an error rate of only 25%.

The most common causes of errors on iOS devices, according to the study, are generated by applications by 65%, while errors in Wi-Fi connection by 11%, headphone failures generate 4% of equipment errors Manzana. As for the applications that fail the most on iOS, it leads the Snapchat list followed by Instagram and Facebook, applications that are widely used in the daily lives of millions of users.

Android is the best mobile operating system, according to study

In the case of Android, not only is it more reliable than iOS with an error rate of 35%, but that percentage has also decreased from the 44% it had in the same period last year, showing that Marshmallow has done a good job in this aspect.

With the data in your hands, you can only ensure that Android not only exceeds the iOS platform in sales, but is also much more stable and faster than any other operating system for mobile devices.

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