
A study reveals that more than 60% of respondents choose amd

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Most users choose AMD, according to a study by the European Hardware Association. We tell you all the details inside.

An independent study by the European Hardware Association (EHA) has concluded that the majority of users choose AMD, specifically 60%. We knew that Ryzen had penetrated the community of desktop PC users, but this sociological study brings us a little closer to the reality we find on the street. This experiment has also entered to assess preferences regarding AMD or Nvidia.

Next, we tell you all about him.

10, 000 respondents tested

This is a study carried out by the European Hardware Association (EHA). Every year they carry out a study similar to this one to find out the preferences of the users. This study has 10, 000 subjects who underwent an individual survey to determine which would be the preferred brand of processors for each of them.

This survey included a question about what would be the next desktop processor they were going to buy. 60% of the respondents would opt for AMD and the remaining 40% for Intel. This association conducted a similar study in 2018 that concluded with a preference of Intel at 60% and AMD at 40%.

Given the various launches in the computing sector, the EHA again carried out another survey in May this year to see if preferences had changed. The preference over AMD had risen to 50%, 10% more than in 2018.

The question was clairvoyant . How has AMD managed to change those preferences in just 1 year? Koen Crinjs, EHA President, claimed that the increase was due to the departure of the 3rd generation Ryzen.

Ryzen 3000 offers performance enhancement for multi-threaded workloads and PC gaming.

So, the improvement of the last generation of Ryzen would be behind that change of preference of the users. Therefore, according to this study, users choose AMD over Intel.

Radeon also improves for respondents

On the other hand, the same respondents were also asked about AMD graphics cards. Nvidia dominates this sector, so it was interesting to know the opinion of ordinary people. The EHA used the survey conducted in May 2019 to compare with the results of the latter.

In May, the EHA concluded that 19% of users chose AMD, leaving 89% of users who opted for Nvidia. In this survey, that number has increased to 23%. This may be because the previous RX series dropped at low-end prices and the departure of the new RX 5700 and 5700 XT.

However, this change in trend responds to the fact that, according to the EHA, users prefer AMD graphics cards because they combine them with AMD processors. Only 2.9% of respondents combined Intel processors with AMD graphics cards.

Our conclusion

AMD is making people think. Before, everyone who wanted the best performance opted for Intel without delay. That reality has changed and users choose AMD because they have been proven to be brutal value for money processors.

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On many occasions, they not only match Intel chips, but outperform them at a lower price. Users choose AMD because they see it as a synonym for smart buying: you buy a great processor for a much cheaper price than its rival Intel. The third generation AMD has finally convinced many undecided users with its new 3600X, 3700X, or 3800X.

It is true that AMD has to improve a lot in the graphic section. Nvidia offers very powerful technology and remains intractable in the high-end. Despite this, Radeon focuses on value for money, offering GPUs that offer similar performance to an RTX 2070 for 100 euros less.

However, AMD Radeon faces one problem: independent operation. As the study has revealed, users choose Radeon because they equip AMD processors. We believe that this company also has to focus on those users who want Intel. On the other hand, we understand this line of thinking, trying to offer the user a functional ecosystem within AMD.

What do you think about this study? Do you consider that you are one of those users who now prefers AMD over Intel? Why have you changed your mind?


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