
Apex legends paid ninja a million dollars to play

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Apex Legends is the game of the moment, having surpassed 50 million players in just one month on the market. The game has made a niche in the market very quickly, although EA has organized a great campaign, which undoubtedly has a lot to do with it. One of the clearest examples is that Ninja, a well-known streamer, would have earned $ 1 million for playing.

Apex Legends paid Ninja a million dollars to play

In this way, the game has been promoted to the followers of Ninja, who is a streamer known to Fortnite above all. Which is undoubtedly an interesting business.

Apex Legends success

The most interesting thing about the business is that Apex Legends paid Ninja to play a single day. Since the well-known streamer played the new EA game on February 5, only that day. So for one game day, you've got this million dollar payout. The company itself has acknowledged the payment, a statement to Reuters. But it is a strategy that seems to have gone well for them.

Since the game is advancing in the market today. It continues to surpass Fortnite figures in its beginnings. So it is a great threat for titles like Fortnite or PUBG. In addition, we see how these two games launch news, free in many cases, to maintain their relevance.

This payment is also a sign that live streaming of games is very lively and with a lot of impact. Since otherwise, Apex Legends would not pay that amount to Ninja to play for a day. But it seems that both parties are more than satisfied with this business.

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