
Most useful mobile applications to preserve the environment

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From this same medium, a few weeks ago, we told you about the best mobile applications for Google Play. This time we want to change the subject one iota. So without moving from the field of apps, we will talk about the most useful mobile applications to preserve the environment.

And it is that this issue is not trivial for most Mexicans, as indicated by surveys that list the main concerns of the inhabitants of the Mexican capital. In 2015, the concern about global warming was in sixth place, behind problems such as the economy or insecurity.

The smartphone as an ecological ally

To solve this problem, the smartphone, that device that accompanies us day and night almost without exception, can be used as a very effective tool in favor of the environment. There are numerous very useful applications for this task, of which we will list below the most interesting ones.

For example, Carbon Tracker allows us to measure our carbon footprint to know if we must change certain habits in order to be more ecological. The app is not limited to pointing out the problem, but rather makes recommendations to reduce the footprint you produce.

The reduction of CO2 emissions also involves reducing the transport of raw materials from one place on the planet to another. So if you have a terrace or a corner where you can plant, the Agenda EcoHuerto app is a very useful option to reduce your ecological footprint. This application is a complete instruction manual that will allow you to obtain fruits and vegetables in your own home.

The excuses for not recycling for not finding a nearby point for that task end with the third option that we show you: Where to recycle . As its name already indicates, this app collects the closest recycling points for the different products that we need to dispose of.

The solution passes through us

Although self- awareness to better treat the planet and using the mobile as an ally for it are of great help, much more can be done. Improving the health of our planet is a problem of all humanity, and therefore also its solution. For this reason, conveying our concerns in this regard is vital to convince everyone that the solution lies with us. A very useful tool is to create a website or blog, a very simple task thanks to web pages like this one. In this way you can focus on sharing the message of preserving our planet.

There are other apps that many people use in their daily lives that really are an excellent tool to contribute to improving the environment. Among others we find carpooling applications that allow us to share a car and reduce CO2 emissions, or applications for the sale of second-hand objects. Even applications to share your home with tourists or travelers allow us to make the most of our living spaces while avoiding building new ones.

Today more than ever we are aware that the ecological debacle will not stop on its own. The answer to this crossroads that the human race faces (but that affects every ecosystem on the face of the earth) depends on each of us and our actions. There are already thousands of companies that offer products that try to damage the Earth as little as possible, such as the Fairphone case, which produces fair trade mobile phones and that try to reduce the ecological impact that their manufacture and subsequent disposal entail. There is no more justification for our hindrance, we have weapons, we only have to fight to preserve, in the words of Carl Sagan, " the only home we have always known."


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