
The most useful windows tools that nobody knows

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Most users today have a computer running Windows 10. This version of the Microsoft operating system has become the most widely used. Most users have been using this version for a while. So in general they have a more or less extensive knowledge about what it offers us. Although, there is always something that escapes our knowledge.

Index of contents

Useful Windows tools most don't know about

Windows 10 offers us very useful tools to carry out a multitude of tasks. But, there are many tools that are present in our computer that we do not know of their existence. Something that causes that we are not making the most of the operating system. So we have decided to collect some of these tools.

In this way, you can meet them and see what the Microsoft operating system offers us. Thus, we may discover a tool that can be extremely useful to us. Ready to learn about these tools?

God mode

God Mode consists of activating all Windows settings in one place. When you use this mode, you have available about 240 shortcuts to the configuration of the entire operating system. Keyboard, sound, voice recognition, Windows Defender, programs… Everything you can imagine. In other words, you can control everything directly from a single place.

Activating God Mode is not complicated at all. Just go to the desk and create a folder. Next, we have to rename that folder. Instead we have to write this: GodMode. {ED7BA470-8E54-465E-825C-99712043E01C} . Once we have changed the name of the folder, all we have to do is open it. There we can change the computer settings directly.

Reliability monitor

If in recent times you think that your operating system is not working in a stable way, you can make use of the Reliability Monitor. Windows keeps track of all our processes. This particular tool keeps a history of all the errors that have occurred. In this way, we can review them and see on what days a problem has occurred on our computer. We can also see the source of this error.

Thus, we can identify in a very simple way what is causing these problems on our computer. If it is a software that affects its operation. To use the Reliability Monitor you have to open the start menu. There we write the word reliability and click on the reliability history. We wait a bit for the report to be created and we will be able to see all this data from our system.

Diagnosis of energy efficiency

For users with a laptop, the battery is an essential item. It is one of the aspects that most influences the performance of our team. We may have suspicions that the battery is running very short. In these cases, we can request an energy efficiency diagnostic report. In this way, we will be able to see the existing problems in this area. Thus, if something is detected, we can introduce change s. In many occasions it is enough to carry out some changes in the system configuration.

To request this diagnosis we have to open the Command Prompt, we do this by writing its name in the start menu. It is very important to have administrator permissions in this case. Once we have it open, write this: powercfg –energy. We have to wait about a minute and then the report is generated. When you have finished you will create an HTML file. This file will be in C: \ windows \ system32. Just open it using any browser and see where the problem is. Thus, we can see what we have to do to improve the efficiency of our battery.

Step record

You want to explain to a person how to solve a problem in Windows, but you're not in the same place. Explaining the solution to a problem from a distance can be somewhat complex. Luckily, since Windows 7 a solution has been introduced that can be interesting. Its name is Recording User Actions. This name already makes it quite clear what it is about. Although it is a function that few know.

This tool will take captures step by step every time the user clicks on something. In addition, you will record detailed instructions for this process. After completing all the steps the recording is saved in a compressed file. Once we have recorded what we want to explain, we can send it to the person we want to help. A simple way to explain to someone how to solve a problem without having to be in the same place.

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As you can see, there are some tools that very few users know about available in Windows 10. Luckily, they are easy to use and locate. In addition, they can get us out of more than one trouble on occasion. So do not hesitate to use these tools. Do you know any of these tools?


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