
Apple will include keyboards with technology and

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Apple intends to remain as one of the companies that brings the most innovation to the world of technology, its new bet would go through a revolution in its new MacBook equipment for 2018 with the inclusion of advanced keyboards equipped with E-Ink technology which would greatly increase its usability.

New MacBook with E-Ink keyboard are on the way

The Wall Street Journal has reported that Apple plans to introduce E-Ink keyboards to its MacBook by 2018 in an attempt to offer news that will make many users of the Windows platform join their teams. These E-Ink keyboards would have the ability to display a wide variety of information such as letters, emoticons, emojis and special commands related to the use of equipment.

This information came out after it was confirmed that Apple has been talking to Sonder Design about the use of its keyboards with “dynamic” e-ink technology, Sonder is a partner of Foxconn, the main company in charge of manufacturing the different products of Manzana. Apple CEO Tim Cook was reportedly meeting with Sonder in China last week to discuss the use of his keyboards.

We will have to wait to see if the news is officially confirmed but it would undoubtedly be an important step forward for an Apple that seems quite stagnant for years on its MacBook.


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