
Apple pay has 250 million users worldwide

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Mobile phone payment services have come a long way in the past year. Some of them are especially popular with users, such as Apple Pay. The payment service for users of the Cupertino company has already revealed its number of users worldwide. Thus confirming the success they enjoy.

Apple Pay has 250 million users worldwide

31% of users with an iPhone use this payment platform. And the figure is increasing over the months, according to the company itself. A good result that makes its success clear.

Apple Pay continues to grow

The number of Apple Pay users is 252 million users worldwide today. 15% of these users are in the United States. Making clear the weight of the international market for platforms like these. Not only does the number of users that make use of this service increase, the number of banks is also increasing at a rapid rate.

Since there are currently 4, 900 banks worldwide that support Apple Pay. So for users it is increasingly simple to be able to make use of this payment service, since it is likely that their bank will support it.

The greatest growth of Apple's service occurs in Europe, where it would have increased 370% compared to last year. Also in Asia it has grown at a great rate in these past months. A new success for the Cupertino company.

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