
Learn how to clean the "installer" folder of your windows

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Does your Windows eat the space of the hard disk and you don't know the reason? Windows has a folder called "installer" in which software installers, patches for the operating system and third-party developer programs accumulate. In this tutorial we will learn how to clean the “installer” folder of your Windows to free up space on your system.

This folder can grow a lot in size and can reach several tens of gigabytes, so it can steal a lot of space on our hard disk, mainly in systems where Windows has not been reinstalled for years and has not been used for. regular maintenance. The problem with the “installer” folder is that it is not accessible by conventional means and its cleaning can lead to problems, so it is necessary to use a specialized tool and proceed with great care to clean it.

Clean the “installer” folder with Patch Cleaner

One of these tools is the application PatchCleaner totally free and that can allow us to free several GB in our system. Using this application is not something to be taken lightly as you have to proceed with great caution. It is recommended to use it only if the “installer” folder steals a lot of space and it is highly advisable to make a backup of our system beforehand in case later problems arise.

First of all we download the application and install it to do an analysis of the “installer” folder of our Windows system, in this way we can check if we are interested in cleaning it or not. We only have to run the application once installed and it will return the scan result.

Firstly, it returns the number of installers of the programs that are still used and that are necessary for the proper functioning of the system, in my case they are 21 files.

What interests us is the number of " files are orphaned " which are those that our system does not need and can be eliminated, in my case they are only 2 files and they occupy 105 MB, so it is not necessary to clean them. If many files appear in your case and they take up a lot of space, that's when you have to start evaluating the option of cleaning the directory.

With the "Delete" option what you do is delete the files that the program has detected that your system does not need and with the "Move" option you move them to another location, for example an external hard drive in case you want to keep them. This save location can be changed from the "Browse" option.

Remember that you should only clean the “installer” folder if it reaches a considerable weight and that it is convenient to make a system backup beforehand. At Professional Review we are not responsible for possible damage to your system.


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