
Increase the battery life of your iphone

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Given the frustration of seeing battery life drop quickly, it will sound familiar to many iPhone owners. In this tutorial we will teach you in a simple way how to increase the battery life of your iPhone. In this way we will ensure that your phones last as long as possible, without suffering from being disconnected from the world.

10 Tips to Increase the Battery Life of Your iPhone

1. Brightness

One of the main reasons why the battery drains to 0 is the brightness of our screens. When we are indoors or when we are in the dark, the ideal would be to lower the lighting power by half.

2. Monitor signal strength

When we are in an area, in which the coverage signal is very poor and we even lose it, we should consider activating the airplane mode, which will make our device constantly search for those extra coverage points.

3. Check email automatically to manual

Another option that usually consumes the life of our Iphone is that by default, one of the email options is being reviewed every 15 minutes if you have received a message. If you are one of those who does not need to watch the mail all day or expect to receive an important message, we can deactivate this option in Settings> Mail, Contacts…> Get data. In some versions, it will allow us to deactivate this option by making it manual directly, in another it will let us choose if we want it every 15 minutes, half an hour and every hour

4. Turn off GPS

Unless you use the Maps app, do not stop labeling your location in the photos that you upload to social networks, or you want to track your activity, there is no reason to be sending your position all the time. To deactivate it, go to Settings> Privacy, location service.

5. Remove the WIFI when you leave home

Being at home, you may not be able to live without the speed that your home connection gives you, but when you go out, it is highly recommended to deactivate it, since your device will be hunting for signals, however weak they may be.

6. Ignore notifications

As you know, every time you receive a notification, the screen turns on for 5 or 10 seconds. If you have a lot of notifications throughout the day, this small option will save you a percentage. To do it, just go to the Notifications in Options

7. Watch with iCloud

Possibly, some of you do not use synchronization or need to access your album from another device. In any case, you can save processing and battery by deactivating some of the options that we will have synchronizing all the time such as photos, safari favorites, etc. To start deactivating them, just by opening Settings> iCloud, and turning off the one that does not interest, we will be doing the battery a favor.

8. To remove or not to remove the applications? Background updates

Removing an application by pressing the Home button twice (multitasking) is a good way to eliminate processes from the apps that we are not using, this is not denied by anyone. But is it really necessary when it comes to extending the life of our battery? Apparently not. At the moment we remove one of these applications, we are asking the RAM to forget it, this means that when we want to use the application again, we will have to load it again, well, every time we do this, load it to the RAM and removing it, makes our device work more than leaving it active. There are some exceptions, unless you have the update in the background, which can be found in Settings> General> Update in the background, it will not cost you anything. But it would be advisable to remove this option from the apps and so in this way, everything we have in the multitasking section will not consume as many resources.

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9. Low power mode for iOS 9

The low power mode located in the Settings> Battery section. of your iPhone, allows us, according to Apple, to have up to 3 extra hours of life. Low power mode is not an application that is automatically activated on your phone when you run out of battery, but must be activated manually. When you activate it, it will reduce the consumption of all applications. It will disable automatic updating to see if you've received an email, put Siri to sleep, automatic downloads and some visual effects.

10. Possibly one of the best tips, turn off the iPhone

If we are not going to use our phone in a couple of hours, it is best to disconnect it completely

With this we finish our 10 tips to increase the battery life of your iPhone. As always we invite you to share our article on your social networks and if you have doubts we will be happy to solve them.


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