
Increase battery life

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More powerful processors and larger screens have been the main requirements when choosing a smartphone, but that has changed a bit over the years with the weak performance of the batteries. Now they are the ones that are in the sights of consumers.

Manufacturers seem to be finally paying due attention to this, with new devices supporting more than a full day of charging. But there is still more that can be done than simply optimizing operating system resources or increasing mAh.

Aware of this collective clamor, many companies are putting their hand to the masses for the development of new battery technologies that are capable of lasting more days without compromising the size and price of current devices. Take a look at some of the new options available to increase battery life.

Increase battery life, first with Hush

The first item on the list is not properly a new technology, but an application that is really capable of saving battery power. It is being developed by researchers at the University of Perdue, Intel and Mobile Enerlytic.

The developers decided to investigate the amount of energy spent on an Android device while the screen is off, and found that almost half of the consumption is represented by the processes in the background. Worse: Much of that energy is wasted due to software issues.

The Hush (as the app was named) is capable of saving up to 16% of energy consumption. But the team is also working on the app to double the ability to save the load on the device, while it is not being used.


A memory storage problem may be the partial solution to a memory problem. A related technology may be able to improve the energy performance of the apparatus. Researchers from Hanyang University in China have found a way to reduce the aging of this type of memory and, as a bonus, increase the lifespan of the load by up to 39%.

The problem with flash memory storage is that each small block of data can only be rewritten a limited number of times before it loses its electromagnetic properties. In other words, storage is reduced as the operating system writes more data.

To reduce this aging, the researchers have managed to optimize the SQLite database used by the Android battery, thus reducing the volume of the recorded data to about 1/6 of the original. In this way, the operating system has managed to operate faster by writing data to internal storage.

Pure lithium battery

Scientists at Stanford University affirmed the discovery of a powerful power source with lithium itself, the material already used in today's batteries.

The difference is that the team claims to have obtained a stable lithium anode, creating a pure battery that extracts the maximum of the substance and increases its own efficiency. The idea is to increase the performance of these parts by up to four times.

To explain how it works, you need to go back to chemistry classes. The battery has three components: the electrolyte, which has electrons; the anode, which discharges them; and the cathode, which receives. Current models are lithium ion, which means that the substance acts only on the electrolyte, but not on the anode, and getting a pure lithium anode is what scientists want most.

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One of the teachers on the team claims that the material is called the "Holy Grail" because it has enormous potential that remains hidden. As an anode, lithium is light and has a high energy density.


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