Bitcoin core releases patch for vulnerability to ddos attacks

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A few days ago it was revealed that a vulnerability had been discovered in Bitcoin, making it vulnerable to DDoS attacks. This vulnerability discovered in the software made the entire infrastructure vulnerable and could be knocked down. Therefore, a Core update is released with a patch to cover this vulnerability.
Bitcoin Core Releases Patch for DDoS Attack Vulnerability
Users using Core versions 0.14.0 to 0.16.2 are vulnerable to this attack. So a new version and a patch are released to fight it. The new version available is already 0.16.3, which seems to be safe.
New version of Bitcoin Core
For this reason, all users in Bitcoin are asked to update as soon as possible to the new version of Core that has already been released. Because in this way, having the new software no longer runs the risk of falling victim to a DDoS attack. The vulnerability has been fully corrected in this case. It is a vulnerability that has been around for quite some time, since March last year.
It has been said that those users who use Bitcoin Core in an unusual way are not really in danger. Although the recommendation is that all those who use it, either a lot or a little, update to this new version 0.16.3.
The entire update process takes about five and a half hours. Also, patches have been introduced for some minor malfunctions in the software. It is also confirmed that after the update they will have to re-download the blockchain completely.
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