The torrent websites victims of various ddos attacks

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In the last few weeks, many of you may have noticed that some torrent websites crash more than usual. In fact, this week The Pirate Bay was down a whole day. The reason for these falls are DDoS attacks. They are affecting torrent websites quite frequently.
The torrent websites victims of various DDoS attacks
For a torrent page to crash is normal. But, in these weeks the frequency with which this occurs has increased remarkably. In addition, the time they have been down has also increased. Something that has caused all alarms to go off.
DDoS attacks in torrent
As you know, a DDoS attack causes an excessive increase in connections and traffic on a server in order to saturate it. In this way, the server ends up being inaccessible or goes down. Something that has happened with various websites of the style. TorrentFreak decided to contact other websites, and all of them have seen an unusual increase in traffic. So suspicions only increase.
Although many websites have managed to recover, there are others that have stayed longer or remain inactive. Now, who is behind these attacks is being questioned. Many point to the audiovisual industry and partners such as BREIN or RIAA. Although this is not confirmed.
What seems clear is that these DDoS attacks don't seem to be stopping anytime soon. Which is notably affecting torrent websites. It may soon be known more precisely who is behind these attacks. We will see if they end soon or if things get worse for torrent websites.
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