
How to activate site isolation in chrome, protection against meltdown and specter

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Without a doubt the main theme of this week is being Meltdown and Specter. The two threats that put the CPUs of most Windows devices, macOS and Android, in danger. Fortunately, security patches have been reaching the majority of users. In addition, we have another tool that can help us protect our equipment. This is Site Isolation.

How to activate Site isolation in Chrome, protection against Meltdown and Specter

Site Isolation of Google Chrome is an experimental function present in the web browser. It will arrive in a stable way on January 23. But, at the moment we have the option to activate it manually. Something that is recommended, especially regarding the vulnerabilities of Meltdown and Specter.

Activate Site Isolation in Google Chrome

This isolation system for web portals will help us when it comes to complicating or frustrating attempts to steal information or from website accounts. Thus, hackers will not be able to take advantage of this vulnerability. Site Isolation makes the loading of different web pages run in different processes in a limited environment. Thus, it will be much more difficult for an attacker to obtain the data used on another website.

Since this function applies a lock in case data exchanges are detected. Although, at the moment we have to activate this function manually. In a couple of weeks it will come by default in Google Chrome 64. The way to activate it is very simple. We simply have to open Google Chrome, access the URL bar and enter: chrome: // flags # enable-site-per-process .

When we do this we get an option to enable. This function will activate the isolation of web portals. Once the button in question is pressed, we have to restart the browser. In this way, we already have Site Isolation, which will help us protect ourselves against Meltdown and Specter.


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