
Google advanced protection: the new protection against google hacks

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Security is one of the most important aspects in the digital world. It is advisable to be cautious, since the dangers are becoming more and more frequent. Google is aware of this, so they introduce new security methods. Among them the authentication in two steps. But now the company goes one step further and they present Google Advanced Protection.

Google Advanced Protection: Google's new protection against hacks

It is the most advanced and secure protection that the company has released so far. Ideal for users who are one of the most frequent targets and vulnerable to attacks. Google launches this tool for a specific group of users who are exposed to more risks and attacks. They include journalists, business leaders, politicians, or people in abusive relationships. For them, this new tool arrives.

How Google Advanced Protection works

Thanks to Advanced Protection, even if a hacker manages to steal your password, through any method, be it phishing or spyware, and tries to access your Google account, you will be surprised. You will not be able to access. To make this possible, Google introduces the physical security keys. Two different keys that will serve the user to identify themselves. So no other person will be able to access your account. The keys work with U2F, a system that offers two-step authentication through hardware. So there is no need for codes by SMS or email.

Depending on whether you access your account from your smartphone or computer, the key you will need will be one or the other. One of the keys works through Bluetooth, to connect with your smartphone. The second key works through a USB port. Designed to use on your computer. Without a doubt a measure of enormous importance. In addition, the three key areas they focus on have been revealed:

  1. Physical security password: To access your account you will have to use the key with U2F. In this way you prevent other people from having access to it, even if they have your password. Limit access to data: This way, only Google applications will have access to your files and your account. Block access to fraudulent accounts: In case you lose your access key, the recovery process includes some additional steps. The reason why you have lost access will be investigated to avoid fraudulent access to your account.

Google Advanced Protection is a very useful tool, although it is not intended for all users. People like investigative journalists, activists, or people who work in a government are exposed to more threats. So this Google initiative can be very useful. In order to participate in this program, it is necessary to use Google Chrome, since the keys are only compatible with this browser. You can subscribe to Google Advanced Protection at this link.


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