How to save battery in windows 10
Table of contents:
- How to save battery in Windows 10 step by step
- Native resource for battery saving
- Battery usage
- Turn off background apps
- Disconnect the connections
- Brightness of the screen
- Suspension
In the latest Microsoft operating system it has a series of new resources and one of them is how to save battery in Windows 10. It has also been presented with a redesigned configuration options, but also previously unpublished functions are now performed by the software.
How to save battery in Windows 10 step by step
Despite all the innovations implemented by the latest updates, a problem still persists: those who use Windows 10 on a laptop can go through situations that require the intensive use of the remaining battery charge. What if there are no plugs nearby? In this tutorial, therefore, you will learn how to perform energy saving actions on your laptop.
We recommend reading the best Notebook Gamers of the moment and how to speed up Windows 10 step by step.
Native resource for battery saving
Anyone who has already upgraded the system to Windows 10 will find a native resource to save battery power . Click on "Settings" and access the " System " option. Open the " Battery saving " section and configure the system according to your preferences.
Activate the function using the selector key (Combo) and click on “Battery saving settings” to adjust the performance of your equipment. It is possible to activate the economy mode when the battery is below a certain percentage and reduce the brightness of the screen also through this interface.
Battery usage
In " Battery saving ", you can access " Battery usage ". This function shows the amount of energy consumed by all the applications installed on your computer. By default, the average of the performances is made based on the application execution history of the last 24 hours.
Keep in mind that the most consuming programs are shown at the top of the graph and knowing the services that consume the most energy is important, because the next step is to establish which of them can run in the background.
Turn off background apps
Determining which applications can continue to run in the background is easy. Click on “ Change background settings for the application ” in the same window where the energy consumed by the applications is displayed.
Disconnect the connections
If you are using your computer to, for example, finish a job, use the WiFi connection only when sending the document by email. Canceling wireless resources can save battery power.
Open the "Notifications Center" located next to the clock and click "Airplane Mode" to disable the internet connection of your laptop.
Brightness of the screen
Go to " Control Panel " in the Windows 10 search box. Open the option " Energy Options " and then click " Change plan settings ". Adjust the brightness of the screen using the mechanism at the bottom of the page.
Here you can also determine how the screen turns off or to set the time the laptop must wait to enter sleep mode.
The conditions for the entry of the suspended equipment can also be defined through the " Configuration " application in the Start Menu. Open the "System" tab and go to "Start / Shutdown and Sleep ". This interface also determines the preferences for closing the screen as well as the way to enter the laptop's sleep mode .
What did you think of our tutorial on how to save battery in Windows 10 ? We recommend reading our tutorials for Windows and computing.
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