
The best tricks to save battery on your android smartphone

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Now that the month of July has already started and that many of you are on vacation, the biggest concern of all users resurfaces again: will my phone battery last all day at the beach? Will I get my cell phone battery to last from museum to museum until I return to the hotel? Today we want to give you a hand from Professional Review showing you some of the best tips and tricks to save battery on your Android smartphone. Do not miss it!

To infinity and beyond

Yes, I am aware that I have passed three towns with that statement, and that for many tricks that we put into practice we will not be able to stretch the battery of our smartphone "to infinity, and beyond", however, the truth is that sometimes our Android smartphones consume more battery than they should, and this is something that we can minimize by putting into practice a series of simple tricks.

It is the nightmare of any of us, especially at this time of year in which we spend much more time on the street, on terraces, on straw, on walks and, if you are lucky, enjoying a little trip. But today we are going to help you with a series of simple tricks to save battery on your Android smartphone and that, at least, will survive you all day. Shall we start?

  1. Turn off background updates that are not strictly necessary; If you are on vacation, do you really need the mail to be constantly updated? If you only go to Facebook from time to time, why keep an update in the background that consumes a lot of energy? If you have a smartphone with an AMOLED screen like the Galaxy S8 or others, use black wallpapers since on these screens the pixels They show black when they are turned off in such a way that only the icons will be consuming energy.When you leave home, disable WiFi, thus preventing your smartphone from constantly trying to connect to any signal it finds, which also means higher energy consumption. Be careful with the widgets ! Too much information requires a constant internet connection to transmit / receive data. It also deactivates the vibration and the Haptic Feedback or tactile response because in the long run they also consume a lot of energy from your battery. If you do not have any accessory connected, also deactivate the bluetooth. Use the energy saving mode whenever you do not intend to use the terminal intensively. And if your smartphone does not have any, you can also activate airplane mode when you are not going to use it or when you want to “go from it” for a while, so you can save battery power on your smartphone. Reduces the wait time until the screen turns off. On average, we look at the smartphone 150 times a day, so a very high period translates into several minutes a day in which, without actually using the phone, we are spending energy. A setting of thirty seconds is sufficient, although even better if you reduce it to only 15 seconds. It also deactivates the automatic brightness since it actually offers a higher brightness than we need. It is better to adjust it manually and so you can reduce it whenever possible.Keep your device and applications always updated because many of the improvements sometimes involve more efficient energy consumption.

As you can see, it is a complete list of 10 tricks and tips to save battery life on your Android smartphone, all of them very easy to apply, with which you will notice that your terminal lasts all day, and that you can continue applying beyond the period vacation. Still, don't expect miracles either; your smartphone's battery is what it is, although we can make it work more efficiently. But if you're going to be spending a lot of time outdoors and you know you're going to need your phone, consider getting an external battery, just in case. Ah! And don't forget to calibrate your Android battery.


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