
How to change the user password in linux

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Do you need to know how to change the user password in Linux ? Do not worry! In this little tutorial we will teach you how to do one of the most important security techniques on your computer in a few simple steps. We always recommend changing the password to access your PC and other accounts every 45 days

Linux is one of the main operating systems that we can find for PC, it is a free proposal and under the GPL license, which means that any user can make their own modifications and offer them to the rest of the users, whenever it is under the same license. One of the most notable features of Linux is security, for which user and superuser passwords are essential. In this post we are going to explain how to change the Linux password.

How to change the superuser password in Linux

The superuser is also known as root on a Linux-based system, it is the users who have complete control over the operating system and can make any type of modification, that is why it is not recommended to work generally with the root account, since we can do a real mess in the operating system if we touch something that we shouldn't. Another danger of using a root account is that we will be much more exposed to malware. As a general rule, the root user is disabled in Linux, so to use it we must activate it and set a password. For this we can use the following command in a terminal:

sudo passwd root

The system will ask us for our user account and then it will ask us to enter the root password. If what we want is to change the root password we can use the same command.

How to change the standard user password in Linux

Below root are the rest of the users, who also have their own password to protect their privacy and ensure the security of the operating system. To change the password of any user in Linux we must use a command very similar to the previous one:

sudo passwd user

The only thing we have to do is replace "user" with the name of the user in question. In the event that we want to change the password of a user other than ours, we must first obtain root user permissions, for this we will use the following command:

your sudo passwd user

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This ends our post on how to change the password in Linux, remember that you can share it on social networks so that it can help more users who need it.


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