
How to cancel sending mail in outlook

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How to cancel sending mail in Outlook? Hotmail is one of the first means of electronic mail that appeared and revolutionized the forms of communication, since handwritten letters or the sending of correspondence remained in the past. So that finally give way to a world of communications and emails, where you no longer have to wait much longer for the arrival of the postman or letter dealer.

How to cancel sending mail in Outlook ?: Step by step

As we know a few years ago, the email that we knew as Hotmail today is Outlook and surely, just like me, it has happened to you many times that you wanted to cancel a Hotmail email right after clicking on Send. If this has happened to you, you will not be able to do anything for the recipient to read the email.

But nevertheless you are using Microsoft Outlook we tell you how you can cancel in six brief steps to cancel a sent email and try to save the furniture.

This option only works with Microsoft Outlook and if you are in a corporate environment with Microsoft Exchange and the recipient has not read the message.

Steps to cancel sending email message in Outlook

  1. The first big step you have to take is to verify that both you and the sender have an email belonging to a Microsoft Exchange server and as a second step you will have the task of verifying that to whom the Hotmail message is addressed, there is not yet open, because if so we have already bundled it.
  1. Now start by clicking on the Mail option found in the navigation pane just to the left of the Outlook or Hotmail window.
  1. Very well, now is the time to click on the folder named as Sent Items, it is positioned exactly in the navigation panel.
  1. Immediately click on the Hotmail email message you sent and want to cancel just click on the name of the message
  1. After completing the previous step, then we will go to the option that says Message, located exactly at the top of the Outlook window, then click on the option that indicates Other Options, then go to Actions and then click on Retrieve this message, depending on the menu and your options.
  1. The time has come to click on the verification part given as Notify me if the recovery worked or failed when going to each of the recipients or senders, although perhaps you are one of those who do not want to receive any type of confirmation, because if so then in this box you will have the option enabled or default, then just hit Ok and ready your "Hotmail message has been canceled" and you can sleep peacefully.

How can I know if my outlook account is in the Microsoft Exchange group?

We must go to tools -> account settings and select the account. There the following screen will appear:

This screen will sound like our article on how to set up an email account with Outlook 2013. If POP3 or IMAP appears, you will not be able to go back to the email. But if in the case that Microsoft Exchange is there, run and do the above six steps quickly.

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