
How to configure netgear router with movistar fiber step by step

Table of contents:


This time we teach you how to configure Netgear Router with movistar fiber. As you know, the serial router of the main operators in Spain does not measure up with somewhat more demanding tasks than usual. For example: having many clients connected, adjusting each parameter to the maximum and above all a stability like those offered by a good router. For this reason we teach you how to configure a Netgear router?

Are you ready to take the leap? Well… here we go!

Index of contents

We are going to configure a Netgear router, to connect it directly to the ONT (the device that the fiber reaches) from Movistar, allowing us to dispense with the neutral router that they include, significantly improving the performance of our connection, consumption, and expanding to another level the configuration possibilities.

What do we need

The only requirements necessary to configure a router in this case are

  1. That our router supports PPoE connections (we have it in any neutral router, very common in many ISPs for both ADSL and fiber). That our router supports VLAN tagging. Movistar uses VLAN with ID 6 for internet traffic, and VLAN with ID 2 for image traffic. It is increasingly common for several manufacturers, including netgear, to include this functionality, which was previously reserved for very high ranges or custom firmwares such as DD-WRT and users with considerable knowledge.

Internet Connection Settings

In our case we are going to see the connection of an ONT model 1240G-T. If the fiber enters the router directly, we can follow similar steps, putting the movistar router in bridge mode.

  1. Firstly, we disconnected the movistar router from the ONT. We will leave it aside because we will need it later to obtain decoder configurations, if we want to configure movistar TV. We connect the WAN port of our router to the ONT. In our case it is a NetGear NightHawk X10, this point is similar for most manufacturers. Although all the ONT ports usually work, it is recommended to use the first one to avoid possible setbacks.

After turning on both devices and checking that the traffic LEDs on both turn on (if this is not the case, most likely there is a connection failure, we will turn them off and turn on or test with another cable).

Once this is reviewed we must enter the router configuration. We can do it through WiFi, connecting to the network with NETGEARXX SSID, or if we want to go easy, by cable.

If it is the first time that we connect the router, we should skip a configuration screen as soon as we open the browser. If it is not the case, we will write the IP in the address bar (default in most routers), or in the case of netgear typing www.routerlogin.net

We will use manual configuration, since we are going to modify some advanced parameter, such as VLAN Tagging. We accept the notice that recommends us to have experience in network management. We will try to make it as simple as possible.

If this is the first time you enter your router, it will ask you to change the administrator password and some security questions. If you have already configured it, you can skip this step, as the general status window will appear directly.

From the overview, we go to the Internet section (it does not matter if we arrive from the basic or advanced tab). We should see something like this:

We check the box that our internet connection needs a username, we choose PPoE in the first dropdown and fill in the following information (they are the same for all clients).

  • Login: adslppp @ telefonicanetpa Password: adslppp

The rest of the values ​​will be left by default. In the "connection mode" drop-down it is interesting to choose the "always on" option, so that the router connects to the internet and all services are available even if we don't have any equipment on. This is interesting for some router functions that require permanent connection to work correctly.

We apply the changes. Rest assured, because we will not have the internet yet, one more step is missing.

We go to the VLAN / IPTV Settings section on the Advanced -> Advanced Settings tab (at the bottom of the list). We check activate the VLAN / IPTV configuration and select the button By group of label VLAN

We mark the only row in the first box and click on edit, to indicate that internet packets use VLAN 6 (very important!). The priority is left at 0

Now yes, we have finished configuring internet access. If everything went well, we should see the corresponding green box in the overview. It is not necessary to clone the MAC of the original router.

If after these steps we do not have internet, we will review the parameters and restart the router and ONT.

Imagenio Configuration

This step is somewhat more complicated, and the router backups are used to obtain configuration parameters that are not visible to the user under normal conditions. By this we mean that these instructions could change slightly in the future if movistar decides to change their equipment, since it is still a procedure reserved for users who like to tinker and understand their devices.

Netgear has provided us with some configuration guidelines that are similar to the steps that must be followed with high-end routers from other manufacturers that have these options, although unfortunately we do not have a decoder to test today. With that said, we start:

We connect the telephone router that we have saved in the previous step, and write the default IP address in our browser ( The default access data for the Comtrend VG8050 router are:

  • User: 1234 Password: 1234

Although they can be changed if we want from the alejandra portal (in our case the portal did not work from the beginning, so we understand that the service is not automatically activated in the latest installations).

We enter the Management -> Backup section, and we save the backup file in a location that we remember, for example on the desktop. This is important because from here we will get the information for the decoder, which is not normally accessible to the user.

We open the backup file with a text editor that allows us to search for text. We recommend notepad ++, which is free and perfect for this use.

The text that we will have to look for is "ExternalIPAddress", "DefaultGateway" and "SubnetMask", and we note the values ​​that are among the keys that we have searched for. In our example they would be:

  • IPTV Address: XXXXIPTV Netmask: (this value is likely to be exactly the same for everyone) IPTV Gateway: YYYYFinally we point to one more field, “DNSServers” (although you could use another one). In the example: DNS: If this is too convoluted, we can use the website created by the adslzone user noltari to automate this process:

We configure one more rule in the router, to tell it which port we want to assign for the image traffic. We can choose the one we want, we will put it in the last one for convenience. We go to the section of point 7 of the internet configuration (that is, Advanced -> Advanced configuration -> VLAN / IPTV configuration).

Now we don't want to edit a rule, we want to add a new one, so we click on add

We can give it a name to make our work easier if we have to modify something sometime, it does not affect the configuration at all. We have put "Imagenio". The important thing is to choose VLAN ID 2 and remember the port, we have chosen the last one for convenience, so we mark Port 6, as you can see here:

After this, it remains only to connect the decoder to the port of the router that we have chosen. If we do not have a signal, we will manually configure the values ​​that we have previously noted by turning off the decoder of the plug, and pressing the menu key repeatedly when starting up until we get a screen with the network parameters.

Do not hesitate to leave any problem or question in the comments and we will respond as soon as possible.


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