
How to take care of a laptop battery: best tricks

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Today we bring you one of the most interesting tutorials for laptops: how to take care of a laptop battery. And is that many of the functionality assigned to laptops is in the possibility of using energy through a battery.

Depending on the model, the battery of the laptop may not last as long, therefore, when buying a battery, it is important that you keep an eye on the quality of it, but you also have to take some other care.

Index of contents

Tips to make your laptop battery last longer

That is why we separated 6 good tips to save the energy of your laptop that will accompany you for a long time, right? ?

  1. Darken the screen of your laptop, since the brighter it is, the greater the energy consumption.
  1. In your operating system, establish the most suitable power plan for each case. The "balanced" mode of Windows 10, for example, is a compromise between performance and power saving.

  1. Try not to connect mobile devices too often, as they drain your laptop battery.
  1. Do a general cleaning on the files of your laptop, since the more full it is, the more energy will be consumed.
  1. Whenever you are not using it, turn off Wi-Fi and Bluetooth on your laptop. These functions consume a lot of energy because they are constantly looking for a signal.
  1. Recharge the laptop battery before emptying it completely: ideally, the recharge should be done when the icon in the taskbar is showing 20% or 30% power .
  1. Even when it is "hibernating, " the laptop is consuming battery power. Therefore, if you are not using the equipment, turn it off completely. The same goes for Wi-Fi and Bluetooth resources.

We recommend reading our guide to the best laptops on the market.

Caring for your laptop and battery

Don't forget that a laptop is a fragile product and requires care. For example, avoid carrying your laptop in your backpack on a summer day, especially in cities with high temperatures.

Don't use your laptop in very hot places. If the ambient temperature is high, it can cause the battery to heat up, increasing the risk of explosion. It seeks to use it in cool, ventilated or refrigerated environments.

When not in use, remove the CD or DVD from the laptop. This will prevent it from running unnecessarily.

If your laptop battery is removable, it can be removed for cleaning. With a dry cloth, you can remove all the accumulated dirt. Thus, the performance of the battery in power transmission is improved. It seems silly, but this trick also works.

Knowing the battery of laptops

The batteries of the most modern laptops, present in most of the models launched in recent years, are made up of lithium ions, known as lithium batteries. This type of technology made the batteries lighter and without risk of damage (when the battery is used to charge only part of its total charge, losing capacity in time of use). Therefore, you can charge it whenever you want.

Although manufacturers give an estimate of the battery life of the laptop, it is not possible to obtain such precision . Although it is new, you will be able to verify that its resistance varies depending on the type of use made of the notebook. For example, if you usually use the laptop only to access the internet, read and edit texts, the battery will surely last much longer.

On the other hand, if you use heavier and more sophisticated programs, such as image and video editors, or if you have a gaming laptop with very advanced settings, the natural tendency is for your battery to last less.

We recommend reading our guide to the best notebook gamer.

However, it is worth remembering that there are laptops that have been developed with the intention of offering a longer battery life , as in the case of Ultrabooks, which have a good configuration, in addition to being able to withstand a long time away from the electrical outlet. Macbooks are also other notebooks known for battery efficiency.

In general, although the laptop is used day by day, it is always possible to preserve the battery, allowing the autonomy to be longer. So you can move your machine anywhere, without having to worry.

Memory effect or battery defect

First of all, I want to clarify a myth that persists in the minds of users: the battery of a laptop does not fail. That same, there is no possibility of the so-called vice or memory effect as it is also known in lithium batteries.

Therefore, you can charge your laptop's battery, no matter if it still has some percentage of charge or if it has already been completely drained. Be very careful when fully discharging the battery before charging, as this can damage the battery , as we will see later.

Battery discharges

Avoid letting your laptop reach the 0-10% battery level, that is, it turns off by itself due to lack of charge. This procedure stresses the battery and damages it, depending on how often this is done. The indicated thing is to make partial discharges until the battery reaches a level of 20 to 25% of the total capacity , and then start charging it.

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Lithium batteries have a built-in sensor that accurately measures how much charge it still has. But over time, this sensor tends to be imprecise or unregulated and will not indicate the proper amount of charge in the battery. When this happens, it will be necessary to re-calibrate or fully discharge the battery to adjust the sensor.

How and when to do a full download

To extend the life of the battery or even to recalibrate the battery sensor, it is necessary to fully discharge the battery. This procedure should be performed every 30 charge cycles, that is, every 30 times the battery is charged . Make a total download as shown below:

  1. Charge the battery to its maximum capacity, that is, up to 100%. Set your laptop to hibernate automatically when the charge level reaches 3%. Use the computer until it enters hibernation mode automatically. Hibernate, let it sit for 8-12 hours (one night of sleep).After this period, charge it until it reaches 100% charge level again (you can use it normally while it is charging).

These are the steps to do a total discharge of the battery, but remember, the discharges of this type with intervals smaller than 30 cycles of load also can damage the battery, therefore, you must be cautious.

Using the laptop battery in conjunction with the power grid

This is a question that many laptop users have, but then what should be done in these cases?

In fact, the fact that the battery is 100% charged and the charger is connected to it does not cause damage, since when the battery reaches its maximum charge capacity, it begins to reject energy, which in turn is transferred directly to the laptop.

However, care should be taken regarding the temperature that the battery and laptop reach, as heat can greatly damage the battery. So if your laptop is in the range of 30 to 40 degrees, the battery may stay on the laptop, but if the temperature meets levels around 50 degrees or more , please remove the battery while the laptop is connected to the electrical network.

As always, we recommend reading our tutorials and if you have any questions, you can contact us and we will respond.


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