
How to detect widespread internet access problems

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Something really desperate is to see how suddenly your Internet stops working, the worst thing is not knowing if the problem is related to the operator or on the contrary it is a problem with our router or any other element. It has happened to many of us that we are working and suddenly the network collapses, knocking over all the plans we had made.

Learn to detect widespread Internet access problems

For these situations, a very simple but tremendously effective service has been created. It is a small map that indicates the places where there is an Internet connection problem recognized by the provider of access to the large network. With this simple tool we will already be able to know if it is a general problem or if, on the contrary, it is some local problem of ours.

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The application gives us a complete list of the latest faults and incidents thanks to an automatic detection system, it also takes into account the alerts provided by the users themselves. The map represents where exactly the problem is, it does it with a color scheme so that green represents a good operation of the network, orange represents a possible fault and finally, red represents a confirmed fault. The tool gathers information from 1, 000 ISPs from around the world, among which, of course, is the Spanish territory, this will allow us to see in a very graphic way where there is some type of problem related to the provider. The functionality of the application continues with the possibility of choosing the Internet provider whose functionality we want to check.

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From now on when you have an Internet access problem you will be able to find out quite quickly if it is a general problem related to the provider or if it is instead a local problem. Unfortunately, if you confirm that it is a supplier problem, you can only sit and wait for the solutions as soon as possible.

To access the service you just have to click here


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