How to distinguish xiaomi phones? letters a, c, x ...

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Surely you have heard of the Xiaomi Redmi 4X, or the Xiaomi Mi 5C, and it is even possible that you have one of these terminals or any other from the Chinese brand, however, have you ever wondered what meaning do those letters that Xiaomi uses to name your devices? Today in Professional Review we tell you everything.
What Xiaomi has not told you about the name of its smartphones
We will start in alphabetical order in such a way that the devices whose name ends with the letter A refer to the most limited and cheap versions of their originals. For example, the Xiaomi Redmi 4A is the cheapest version of the Redmi 4, which in turn implies that it is also terminals with shorter technical specifications.
We continue with the devices whose name ends with the letter X. In this case, the company is referring to a device that is almost the same as its original but at the same time presents some differences, such as a different processor, or a little more RAM memory, such as the Redmi 4X and Redmi. Note 4x compared to Redmi 4 and Redmi Note 4 respectively.
Thirdly, the devices whose name ends with the letter C are associated with the Mi (not Redmi) family of terminals and is used to indicate that it has a proprietary processor. In this sense, the Mi 5C differs from the Mi 5 in that it integrates the Surge S1 chip manufactured by Xiaomi itself and of which a second improved version is already on the way.
And what about the "S"? The Xiaomi devices whose name ends in a letter are improved versions of their original, more powerful and with some new function, just as Apple does with their iPhone. Thus, the Xiaomi Mi 5S included a pressure sensitive screen that the Mi 5 lacked.
Finally, the most obvious version is that of those devices whose name ends in Pro. As with the rest of the manufacturers, in this case we find the most powerful version: a better camera, a better fingerprint or illusion reader, more RAM, a more powerful and faster processor…
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