
How to choose the laptop that best fits our budget

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Something that most users face on occasion is buying a new laptop. Especially now in September, many people need a new one for their studies or work. And finding the ideal laptop for our needs is not always easy. There are many aspects to consider, and the budget is one of them.

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How to choose the laptop that best fits our budget

It is not only the budget that plays a determining role when choosing the ideal model. There are also a number of aspects that we have to consider. We have to think about the use we are going to make of the laptop. And in many occasions, it is a factor that can be much more determining than the budget itself. So it is important that we do not neglect that aspect either.

Most users look for a combination that is not always easy to find: Good price and good features. Obviously, the most expensive laptops are usually the ones that offer the best performance and benefits. Although it does not always have to be this way. Nor can we forget a detail, and that is that depending on the use we want to give it, there are areas in which we cannot lower our demands. In order to obtain the laptop that best suits us and offers the best performance for our needs.

Therefore, there are a number of aspects to consider when choosing a new computer. Here we discuss some of these aspects that it is recommended to take into account.


Currently we can find a wide diversity of models in this regard. There are many small notebooks, with screens between 10.5 and 12 inches, which may be an option for many users to consider. Especially due to their small size, which makes them very comfortable to carry. Although, they don't always have the best screen resolution.

Therefore, it is important that we are clear about the use we are going to make of our laptop. If we are going to use the computer to edit images, videos or work a lot on the graphic aspect, then we should not reduce our demands in this area. You would then need a model whose screen resolution does not drop below 1920 x 1080p. In addition to a diagonal that makes using it comfortable, so a screen of at least 15 inches would be ideal in this case.

One aspect that should not be forgotten is the keyboard. If you are going to write a lot with that laptop, it is recommended that you can try it. And find one with which you can write comfortably. Because otherwise, carrying out this task will be quite complicated and uncomfortable. And that is something that nobody wants. Related to that, we also have to consider if we are going to use the computer at night or somewhere in low light. Because then, some extras like a backlit keyboard may be something that interests some users. Although they will make the price higher.

Finally, we find quite a few convertibles available on the market. Models that can be removed from the keyboard and become a tablet. They can be a great option thanks to their versatility. But, it is an option that should only be purchased if you are really going to use the tablet option. Because otherwise it is not worth it. Especially since on many occasions the price is higher.

Autonomy and lightness

A key aspect on many occasions. We have to take into account if the laptop we are going to buy is going to be intensively used outside our home. If so, there are two aspects that it is essential to comply with. It has to be light and have great autonomy. So that in this way we can transport it easily, and we can make prolonged use of it while we are away from home.

A possible option may be to bet on an ultrabook. It is the category in which a model that meets these requirements fits best. They are generally models that offer autonomy and are light and light. Although, there are aspects such as performance or screen resolution that we sacrifice and they are not the best. But in general, we can find very interesting models within ultrabooks. So they are always a good option to consider.

Another detail that may be interesting to consider is the materials with which the laptop is made. These materials have an impact on the design, but also determine the lightness of the device. The lightest and most carefully designed notebooks are usually made of carbon fiber or other alloys. This generally assumes that the laptop will be somewhat more expensive. If personally the design is not the most important thing for you, you can bet on a model whose design is not as stylized or careful. And then, we can find devices in which plastic is the main material. Something that can save us money.

Finally, you should not forget about connectivity. There are ultrathin or ultralight models that do not fully comply with this aspect and sacrifice a USB port. It is important that the device has a sufficient number of USB ports so that you can carry out the necessary tasks. You also have to consider the HDMI ports. The appearance of the CD / DVD player is a personal option, and it will also depend on your needs.

Power and RAM

A common thing when choosing a new model is that the user looks for one that has the best processor, a good graphics card or a good amount of RAM. These are elements that usually serve as a guarantee to know that we are buying a good computer. But, unsurprisingly, with more RAM or a better processor, the price of the device increases considerably.

Again, the use we are going to make of the computer is what determines some aspects. If it is a laptop for home use, there are some details such as the graphics card that are not so decisive. For users who are going to use the laptop to work with videos or photos, RAM is an important detail. And it is recommended that it be taken into account more, since it is something that ultimately affects the daily use of the device. So looking for a model with more RAM can work in our favor. And if we end up betting on a model with little RAM, that is at least one in which it is possible to expand it.

Where to buy the laptop

Once we have a rough idea of ​​the type of computer we need, it is time to start searching and comparing. That part can be somewhat complex, but in general you can find numerous rankings of best laptops in various price ranges. So it can make your search much easier and faster. But, then comes the time of purchase.

We recommend reading the best laptops on the market

And in that aspect there are many differences. Prices can be very different from one store to another. In some cases it can be a difference of a few hundred euros. So it is important that once you are clear about the model you want to buy, visit several websites looking for this model. Because it is very likely that you will find differences in price in these stores. And thus know which is the most convenient for you.

Although the price should not be the only aspect to consider when buying it in one store or another. Other aspects such as home delivery (possible price, shipping conditions, delivery times) must be assessed, in addition to a good after-sales service. So we know that we buy a laptop from a trusted site. So the recommendation is that before buying, do a little research and thus buy the laptop that best suits your needs in the best store.



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