How to prevent the hard drive from being formatted by accident

Table of contents:
- How to prevent the hard drive from being formatted by accident
- Prevent your hard drive from being accidentally formatted with SaveMyHard
The importance of the hard disk is enormous. It is without a doubt one of the most important components in a computer. Since it is where we install the operating system and where all the files are saved. So a hard drive failure can be fatal. We may lose all the information you have stored. The good part is that there are tools that allow us to know the state of health of the hard drive.
How to prevent the hard drive from being formatted by accident
But, despite the existence of these tools, there is something that is difficult to avoid and that is that the hard disk can be accidentally formatted. Just a few clicks without being very clear about what we are doing to make this happen. So it is important to know a way to prevent this from happening. Since Windows itself offers us the possibility to format the hard drive with just a few clicks.
It is as simple as opening a file explorer window, selecting a disk, right-clicking on it. There, we get the option to format. We get a window to configure the parameters. The moment we press start, the process begins and there is no going back.
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Some oversight may occur, but what we have to do is prevent this from happening at all costs. Luckily, there is a way to do it.
Prevent your hard drive from being accidentally formatted with SaveMyHard
We have a tool available that helps us to avoid that by some mistake or accident we end up formatting our hard drive. This tool is named SaveMyHard. It is a very light application. Although we have the option of using it on our computer without installation. So it is ideal.
Once we have launched it on our computer, SaveMyHard asks us for some basic settings. But nothing more. In this way, thanks to this tool, if we or someone else clicks on the option to format the disk, you will get an error dialog window. It will indicate that we are trying to format a prohibited disk drive.
Thanks to SaveMyHard the option to format the disk by accident is completely blocked. This way we can avoid problems, headaches and more than one annoyance. At the time when you do want to format the hard drive, then you have to disable SaveMyHard.
Without a doubt it is a very useful tool that can save us from more than one problem. Furthermore, we don't even need to have it installed on our computer. So SaveMyHard is definitely a great program to consider. You can download it, use it or consult more about it in this link.
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