How to prevent your router from being part of a ddos attack

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About a month ago, the Internet suffered one of the largest denial of service attacks ever recorded. This DDoS attack was orchestrated by one or more hackers and directed at DynDNS, one of the largest DNS providers in the world, leaving giants like Twitter, Spotify, Netflix or GitHub without access among many others. And how was this possible? Well, thanks to routers with little or no security, with default keys. Do you want to prevent your router from being part of a DDoS attack ? We tell you how.
Prevent your router from being part of a DDoS attack
This hacker or group of hackers took advantage of the configuration of millions of routers with little or no security. The vast majority had default or very low security keys, which allowed using a network of millions of different nodes to "knock down" a giant like DynDNS.
If you want to make sure that your router is not part of the following DDoS attack, the best option is to follow a series of steps that we will describe below:
- Change the router password: changing the router password is essential. It is not worth 1234, nor admin, nor password. You must use a combination of numbers, symbols and letters to make it really robust. No need for a giant or illegible, just slightly complex to deter potential attackers. Change the default Wi-Fi name and password: The security of many Wi-Fi networks can be broken simply by keeping the original name and password. There are hundreds of auditing applications and suites that simply create very short and similar dictionaries to those used by those routers to break the key in a matter of hours. Disable remote access: Some ISPs enable this remote access for your convenience, but it can make your router part of a DDoS attack. It is better that you can only change settings locally. Update the firmware of the router: it is important to keep the firmware of the router updated to anticipate possible massive attacks. Buy a good router: always bet on the best routers on the market to guarantee your security and that of your network.
By following these tips you can prevent your router from being part of a DDoS attack in most cases.
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