
How the apple heart monitor works


The Apple Watch does not yet have an estimated sale time in many Latin American countries, but in other countries it will be on sale from this Friday, April 24. An example of the applications that the device will have is the heart monitoring system. Although the function already exists in smartbands and other smartwatchs, Apple takes special care for the resource.

Cardiac monitoring of the Apple Watch is done with a technique called photoplethysmography. At the bottom of the device, Apple has included a series of LED light-sensitive cells. Since blood is red, LEDs are green so you can accurately reflect and capture the amount of heartbeat.

The measurement of the number of pulsations is carried out with the help of LEDs, which oscillate hundreds of times per second. The flow of blood flows through the veins, and Apple Watch detects the number you need to make the calculation between the length of time in each beat.

The heart rate sensor is adapted to automatically increase light output and sampling amount, to compensate for signal levels that may occasionally occur. That means that even when doing physical activity in extreme environments, such as the cold, Apple Watch will still be able to compute the number of keystrokes efficiently.

But not everything is flowers. According to the company document, Apple Watch may find it difficult to measure the heartbeat in activities without a constant rhythm, such as a boxing training correctly or when playing a game of tennis, for example.

Another factor that may displease is when you want to fix the need for the bracelet on the wrist. Who likes looser watches may be somewhat surprising not to be. To try to alleviate these problems, Apple announced that the heart rate bands, which are embedded in the chest, can connect to Apple Watch via Bluetooth.

Apple Watch uses a measurement known as heart rate. This allows the user to check the number of heart beats all day. When the user is not in physical activity, the pulse measurement occurs every 10 minutes.

The data is stored in a health application available on the iPhone. The information can be used for medical monitoring or to assess performance in physical activities.


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