
How to make money online (for real)

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If you have come this far it is probably because you are looking for how to make money on the internet, and if you have already visited other sites, it is very likely that you have come across tips like:

  • Respond to surveys Make money browsing Make a YouTube channel Things as vague as… "do something you like" and offer it You may also find courses on "How to make money sleeping without doing anything"

If your goal is to make real money, among these tips there are difficult, impossible things and others that directly border the scam.

My name is Guillermo del Pino and I have spent years dedicating myself to the world of the internet, both independently with my own websites, and working to improve the business of other entrepreneurs and companies, and I can speak to you with knowledge of what can really become a business for you. I have been lucky that the friends of let me speak to you from here, so let's do it.

I am going to tell you real methods that do work and with some examples, in some cases I will show you projects that I set up myself and in others, projects that I have been able to verify personally that work.

To take into account before starting

Before you delve into this whole world, I want to make one thing very clear to you.

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If you want to achieve this, you will have to dedicate hours of effort, acquire knowledge, keep up to date and informed of what is happening in the online world, and of course make an economic investment. This is a business, and although it may have fewer barriers to entry than other traditional ones, it still requires effort. Think about it, if not, no one would have traditional jobs , everyone would be in their pajamas at home with the computer.

Does this mean that it is impossible?, not at all, many are the people I know who have succeeded . If you are really excited and want to give it your all, go ahead with it.

Proven methods to earn money online

As I have told you above, these methods that I am going to teach you are more than contrasted, one thing that happened to me when I started in this whole world is that I thought that they wanted to deceive me, or that they were selling me smoke, you will I assure, I do not sell anything, everything you are going to see here exists and works today.

Before we get into flour, I want to tell you about the base of everything, and that base is the users. To earn money on the internet we need people who access our products or services, that is, web traffic (or an app if that is the case).

You can get traffic in many ways, which could be divided into two main categories:

  • Organic traffic: Organic traffic is achieved through search engine positioning, that is, SEO. What it is about is getting to be in the top positions of the search engine before searches made by users, and thus getting them to end up on our website. This branch is my favorite and the one that I have become my profession. Payment traffic: A fully valid and much more immediate option. We buy ads on social networks or Google itself and we make users reach us.

We have to master the means of attracting traffic well, because if we do not do it, we will not be able to monetize anything.

If you still do not know anything about what I am talking about, it is time to start looking for information about SEO and PPC, understand all the concepts well and train yourself, there is no other way that I know of achieving the objective.

You will already be verifying it, we are not talking about making easy money, but it is not about that, it is about establishing a real business.

Google AdSense

Google bases almost 90% of its business on advertising, there are some advertisers who buy space in the SERPs (in the search results), and others who do it within the websites.

They pay you both for impressions of those ads, that is, for the number of times they are shown to users, and for the clicks they receive, so what it is about is simple, getting websites that have visits that click on advertising.

Here there are already many nuances, you can for example get to position a website in Google for keywords that have many searches and earn money by volume, or you may also get to position for words that have less searches but a higher CPC (Cost per click). In the end it is about achieving good profitability.

Look at the Google AdSense earnings captures from these websites that I set up myself years ago:

In this case we are talking about very small niches, websites that have just 3 or 4 pages each, and that as you can see can perfectly give about 300 euros each without having made a very large effort.

I wrote a fairly complete article talking about that topic on a colleague's website that you can find here.

This is one approach, setting up many small websites that are positioned more easily and give a total amount that can be profitable, but some friends have shared larger projects with me that can give you an idea of ​​the business opportunity that we have before us. we:

Here you have the example of a friend's website that has exceeded in some month even 6, 000 euros.

In this case you can see another website from another colleague with 2 months exceeding 3, 000 euros.

Implementing the ads is really simple, the hard part is getting the visits and finding the right niche, but as you can see it can be done, and this is not an isolated case, if you search the internet yourself, you will find many people showing profits and talking of your success story.

Here's a Twitter thread where various professionals openly show earnings:

This tweet only accepts screenshots from the ADSENSE OVERALL

? ️Filters:

- Report of: DAYS

- Date: 1/1/19 to 12/31/19


Delete these data to avoid risk of banning:

- Clicks

- RPMs

- Active View

? 2019 # Adsense2019

- José Pascual (@jpaask) January 13, 2020

Amazon affiliation

There are more types of affiliation, but this is also best known for its simplicity and the high volume of sales that occur.

What is broadly speaking is the same as before, getting people to enter our website, but in this case, a recommendation guide. As in the previous case, we can make a website for a specific type of product, for example coffee machines, or a more general one such as the well-known .

I have hardly worked with these types of sites, but I do have trusted friends who have shown me screenshots of their earnings and are quite amazing.

These that I show you, are from a not too big website, that had started working and that already managed to give more than a minimum salary from Spain for several months:

These others here are the profits from another project for a year, as you will see you can live from that perfectly:

As in the previous case, José Pascual promoted this Twitter thread with professionals teaching Amazon earnings:

This tweet only accepts screenshots from the Amazon Affiliate OVERALL.

? ️ Dates: Last year

? Tracking ID: All

Come on, share yours!

- José Pascual (@jpaask) January 2, 2019

Set up a normal store with stock

It is still the easiest way to explain how to do business on the internet.

You set up an ecommerce with products and sell them, the same as you would with a street store but on the internet. An ecommerce is usually much more complicated to manage than a niche website, it usually has more urls with products, categories that you have to know how to deal with correctly and almost always fierce competition.

Anyway, it is a quite interesting and normally sustainable way of earning money on the internet and in case you want to get a little inspired, I leave you this video by Ricardo Lop, who from a fairly lost town and without knowing anything about computing has managed to set up a business that sells worldwide.


It has become very fashionable lately for all the courses that have appeared. The business model consists of having a supplier of a product that we sell as intermediaries.

In its origins it was about finding that manufacturer, positioning ourselves for their products on the internet and having the same shipments with our brand, but now this new wave of Dropshippers have used the method of using AliExpress as a supplier.

It is a complicated world, you can get money, but it is not easy at all, and although the previous methods are not easy, I would not recommend it to start with.

Sale of an infoproduct

It is another topic that is being seen quite lately, surely you have found it, the typical person who appears on Facebook telling you that he has something free for you that will help you a lot.

Mark Zuckerberg's social network is normally used for this type of sales, since it allows us to do a very good segmentation of the public and make good Remarketing campaigns.

Conversion funnels are created, where we attract users with a Lead Magnet and it progresses phases until we make a purchase.

Leads for sale

If you can master local SEO, you can position yourself for searches for professionals in a locality and each time they contact you, sell them to that potential client, or perhaps rent the space.

Leads can also be sold to companies that operate nationally or internationally.

Conclusions about how to make money online

I have already mentioned it, making money online is not an easy thing, but you can do it perfectly. If you want to get to know some SEO basics better, I have a beginner's dictionary here and also a blog here with tricks that are sure to come in handy for finding profitable niches.

Any questions you have do not hesitate to leave them in the comments, I will answer them as soon as possible, and I want to take this opportunity again to thank the ProfessionalReview team for giving me the opportunity to spend this time with you.


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