
Momo videos will no longer make money on youtube

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These weeks the videos of Momo, the macabre challenge, have been generating many views on websites like YouTube. Something that many have taken advantage of to try to make money with them. But there comes an end to these practices, because the video website has taken measures. So it will not be possible to generate money with this type of content.

Momo videos will no longer make money on YouTube

This is a measure by which no ads will be published in any of these Momo videos that are published on the web. Which can help to reduce the number of them.

No more advertising for Momo on YouTube

This is a very quick measure by YouTube, which seeks to try to reduce the popularity of this macabre challenge in some way. So none of the videos there are going to have advertising. So it is possible that there are even authors who are going to delete their videos from the web in the next few hours as a result of this.

In addition, warning screens are displayed on all videos uploaded to Momo. Although the web has made it clear that they are videos that violate the content standards of the web. Therefore, a large part is likely to be eliminated.

Momo is the latest hit on the web, to call it somehow. Although from YouTube they seek to cut the wings to this challenge in a quite radical way. So it will be necessary to see if this works or not.

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