
▷ How to install ubuntu in windows 10 step by step

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It's been a long time since it is possible to install the Linux subsystem inside Windows 10, this is a wonderful measure that will allow Windows users to access the full potential of the Linux command terminal, the tool most appreciated by Linux users.. In this tutorial we show you how to install Ubuntu inside Windows 10.

What is Ubuntu

Ubuntu is a complete operating system based on the Linux kernel, which is freely available with both community and professional support. The Ubuntu community builds on the ideas enshrined in the Ubuntu Manifesto: this software must be available for free, the software tools must be usable by people in their local language and despite any disabilities, and people must have the freedom to customize and alter your software in the way that seems best to you.

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Linux will always be free, and there is no additional fee for enterprise edition, Your development team does the best job possible for everyone on the same free terms. Canonical's operating system includes the best in translations and the accessibility infrastructure that the free software community has to offer, to make it usable by as many people as possible.

Ubuntu ships in stable, regular release cycles; a new version will be shipped every six months. Every two years a long-term support (LTS) version will be available, compatible for 5 years. The versions in between (known as developed or non-LTS versions) are maintained for 9 months each.

It is a suitable operating system for desktop and server use. The current version of Ubuntu is compatible with Intel x86 (IBM compatible PC), AMD64 (x86-64), ARMv7, ARMv8 (ARM64), IBM POWER8 / POWER9 (ppc64el), IBM Z zEC12 / zEC13 / z14 and IBM LinuxONE Rockhopper I + II / Emporer I + II (s390x).

Ubuntu includes thousands of pieces of software, starting with Linux kernel version 4.15 and GNOME 3.28, and covering all standard desktop applications from word processing and spreadsheets to internet access applications, web server software, email software, programming languages ​​and tools and various games.

How to install Ubuntu inside Windows 10

As any Linux user knows, it is the terminal where the magic happens. It is the perfect tool for file management, development, remote administration and a thousand other tasks. The Ubuntu terminal for Windows has many of the same functions that you will find using the terminal in Ubuntu, some of the most notable are the following:

  • Unrivaled variety of packages, updates and security featuresBash, Z-Shell, Korn and other shell environments without virtual machines or dual bootRun native tools like SSH, git, apt and dpkg directly from your Windows PCA large community of friendly and accessible users

The first step to do this is, logically, having a PC with an x86 processor (Intel or AMD) and having Windows 10 10 Fall Creator, released in October 2017, or a higher version. This update includes the Windows Subsystem for Linux that is needed to run the Ubuntu terminal.

Ubuntu can be installed in a very simple way from the Microsoft application store, since it is installed like any other application offered by this store. To do this, just follow the steps below:

  • Use the Start menu to launch the Microsoft Store app. Search and select the result, 'Ubuntu 18.04', published by Canonical Group Limited. Click the Install button.

After that, it will be downloaded and installed automatically on your computer. Progress will be reported within the Microsoft Store application and will take a few seconds minutes depending on the speed of your network connection, so you should be a little patient.

If you can't run Ubuntu you may have the Linux subsystem disabled for Windows 10, to correct this open a command window (cmd) and enter the following:

Enable-WindowsOptionalFeature -Online -FeatureName Microsoft-Windows-Subsystem-Linux

After that, restart the system for the changes to take effect.

Once the process is finished, Ubuntu can be started in the same way as any other Windows 10 application, the easiest way is to search for and select Ubuntu from the Start menu. The first time you have it, it will take a little more time, since it is necessary that all the files are verified and the system has just been configured. When complete, you will be prompted for a specific username and password for your installation. They do not need to be the same as your Windows 10 credentials.

Once you have completed the entire process, you will come across the Ubuntu Bash command line, which will offer you endless possibilities of use.

This ends our tutorial on how to install Ubuntu on Windows 10, remember that you can leave a comment if you have any questions about the process. You can also share the post on social networks so that it can help more users who need it.


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