
How to clean the laptop screen 【step by step】 ⭐️

Table of contents:


After a period of use, stains usually appear on our equipment. Therefore, we are going to teach you how to clean the laptop screen.

When we are faced with dirt on peripherals, it is not always so easy to remove it quickly. Here we are going to focus on the laptop screen, with which you have to be very careful when cleaning it. We know that many of you want to clean the screen of your laptop, but you don't know how. Next, we show you how to do it.

Index of contents

Clean screen with dust

This case is the easiest to clean because we wo n't need many tools to carry out the task. We advise you to use a microfiber cloth or a suede like the ones we have in the covers of our glasses. Do not use tissues or towels because we can scratch or scratch the screen. As a recommendation: cloths indicated to clean lenses or glasses.

  • With the material in our possession, we will turn off the laptop. Once it is turned off, we will clean the screen by pressing gently, without dragging the cloth, or making circles. We will be done when there is no dust left.

Clean screen with embedded dirt

We are facing the case that our screen has embedded dirt, such as oil stains or any other stain that cannot be removed with the microfiber cloth. We will need the following:

  • New sponge. Distilled water

We forbid you to use tap water because it contains lime, which will cause our screen to have spots later. The process is simple:

  • We shut down the laptop completely. Try to remove the battery if possible. We dip the sponge in distilled water and drain it so that it does not drip. Clean in the same direction very gently. If you see any leaks, remove them immediately. We let the screen dry without closing the laptop lid.

Here you cannot use dryers or heaters to get it to dry sooner. Please let it dry at room temperature.

Bonus: if the previous method does not help you, use this

If the stains are not gone, they may require a more specific product or other cleaning method. Sometimes it is not so easy to clean the laptop screen, so pay attention to this method.

  • We have to buy a screen cleaning spray. For example, this one is perfect. Never use window cleaners.

Fellowes 99718 - Computer Screen Cleaner, Laptops and Scanner
  • For use on monitor screens, screen filters, notebooks and glass surfaces of photocopiers and scanners Ensures perfect screen cleanliness, improving vision Minimum alcohol content, less than 1% No scratch Capacity 250 ml
2, 97 EUR Buy on Amazon
  • If you don't want to buy it and want to use an alternative solution, try a 50-50 mix of white vinegar and distilled water, or, distilled water and isopropyl alcohol. We turn off the laptop completely and leave it without power. We apply the spray on a microfiber cloth until it is damp. Gently rub the cloth in small circles. Then rub it in one direction. If any drop falls, wipe it off immediately. Let the screen dry.

We would have finished the process by now, so you should have managed to get rid of those tedious stains.

Finally, tell you that these tips are for your monitors. Therefore, they are not only reduced to laptop screens, but you can use them on screens in general.

We hope that these cleaning methods have helped you and that you manage to remove all the dirt from the screen of your laptop. If you have any questions or want to suggest an alternative method, comment below and we will respond shortly.

We recommend the best screens on the market

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