
How to customize the batteries option in macos mojave

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Yesterday we told you how to activate and use the new Stacks feature that is included with the next desktop version of macOS Mojave 10.14. Well, today we will delve into this function telling you how to customize the batteries on your Mac with the new operating system.

Customize the use of Batteries on your Mac desktop

As we saw yesterday, the pillars are organized according to the type of files they contain by default (images, documents, spreadsheets, PDF and others). However, we can modify this behavior if we wish and it is more efficient for us, in such a way that the stacks are organized according to the date of creation, date of last opening, date of inclusion, date of modification, or by labels. Apple itself gives us a good hint (and advice) about it: " And if you tag your files with project metadata, such as customer names, the stacks will allow you to manage different projects more efficiently."

To modify the type of organization of your stacks, simply follow the following steps:

  • Right-click on the desktop. Select the "Group rows by" option. Select any of the available options.

Alternatively you can also follow this other method:

  • Open the Finder. In the menu bar, click on the Display option. Select the "Group stacks by" option. Select any of the available options.

It stands to reason that the most productive option when it comes to stacking is tagging. But of course, for this you must previously use the labels because otherwise, it is useless. With the tag you can organize files and documents by projects, clients, themes, etc. Despite this, for the "habitual" user like me, perhaps the most appropriate is the organization by class or file type, at least this is the one that I have been using for a month, and it is going great.

When you opt for any of the organization by date, the stacks are displayed in increments of Today, Yesterday, 7 previous days, 30 previous days, and then per year, something that can also be very useful, for example, in the invoice management, accounting, job control, etc.

Stacks sorted by date (creation, inclusion, modification…) in macOS Mojave | IMAGE: MacRumors

Other Battery Options

In addition to what has been seen so far, it is also possible to include one of your Batteries in a folder. To achieve this goal, you will have to right-click on the stack in question and select the “New folder with selection” option from the pop-up menu.

You can include a whole stack inside a new folder with just a few clicks

Once you have included any of the stacks of your macOS Mojave desktop in a new folder, you will be able to use exactly the same click options with the included files in it that you used before, or that you use in the stacks located on your desktop, or that before you used in the files that you had scattered on the screen. You will be able to open the files, open them in a specific application, rename the files, share the files, compress the files, send files to the trash, and much more. Basically these are the same organization options that you have when selecting any group of files on your desktop, but without the need to manually select them.

And now that you know everything about batteries in macOS Mojave 10.14, will you switch to this new system? Are you more of a traditional system? Do you prefer to organize your batteries by class, date, labels?


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