
How to protect the privacy of your social networks

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A large majority of users currently have a profile on social networks. Be it Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or Snapchat. Social networks are basic in the daily life of many users. Although they have also become the focus of many hackers who carry out attacks through them. In fact, many users have been hacked on occasion.

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How to protect the privacy of your social networks

Security and privacy are aspects that have become much more relevant in recent years. Therefore, it is also important that they be applied to your social networks. There are always some actions that we can take in order to improve our security and privacy. That is what we are going to teach you today, so that in this way you can avoid having problems in the future.

These are some simple actions but they can have a lot of impact. Thanks to them we can significantly increase the privacy and security of our profiles on different social networks. What can we do?


It is a subject about which millions of things have been said, but which is usually one of the most basic mistakes we make. Most have profiles on more than one social network, but in many cases the password remains the same. Something that is definitely a problem. Since in the end we can be giving a hacker access to all our social networks.

So, although it may be difficult to remember them all, it is best to bet on different passwords. In addition, there are very simple tricks to create simple but strong passwords.

Delete inactive accounts

Surely among your friends on social networks there are accounts of people who have not used them for a long time. Or that they were even deleted or directly stopped using the profile. They are usually those profiles without a photo, which you will surely recognize immediately. The problem is that these inactive accounts are much easier to hack. So if they manage to hack one, we may be in danger. Furthermore, these hackers could have access to a lot of data.

Also, if that person has not used your account for a long time, there is no point in keeping it among our friends. It is best to erase him. If at any time in the future you use your account again, we will add you again.

Protect your Facebook account

Within social networks it is undoubtedly the most used of all. The social network has been improving a lot in terms of privacy and security over time. Since they have been adding additional functions. Although they still have a lot of information about the users. Because it is the way they earn income.

When you enter Facebook, go to the settings menu. There we find a security option in the menu that appears on the left. There is also the privacy section. Within each of these menus we find various options that help us adjust the privacy and security of our profiles. In this way, it is we who can decide how we want to do it. And so improve these aspects in the profiles.

Within security there is a section that shows you the places where you are logged in. It is a kind of history. It is best to go down to the end of that section and click on the exit button for all sessions. Since this information is removed from the web.

Protect your Twitter account

Twitter is a much smaller social network than Facebook. Although that does not mean that there are no dangers, since there are also. In addition, it is one of the places where hoaxes are most easily spread. So that is also something that we have to take into account when we use Twitter. Again, it is important that we take our account protection seriously.

In the case of Twitter, it is essential to control which applications we give access to. It is possibly the part where the most dangers can be concentrated. Since it is enough that there is a malicious application in that list and we can have quite a few problems. Therefore, we must review the list and it is best to disable those applications that we do not use first.

Protect your Instagram account

Instagram is one of the most popular social networks in recent times. More and more users are getting an account in it. It currently exceeds 700 million users. Although, there are many fake accounts and they are created simply to follow profiles of famous people or so-called influencers.

Regarding privacy and security in the social network, there are two aspects to consider. First of all the password and if we want to bet on a private profile. We have to make sure that we use a strong password at all times. In addition, using a private account involves less risk, since it is we who decide whether we want a certain person to follow us or not.

These simple tricks can help you to increase the privacy and security of your social networks. They are things that any user can do and that can certainly be very helpful. So if you are active users on social networks, do not have any doubts about using them.


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