
How to retrieve underscore and justified buttons in wordpress

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In today's article we want to talk to you about something very practical if you use WordPress: how to recover the underline and justified buttons in WordPress. And is that if you have updated to the latest version of WordPress, WordPress 4.7, you will have seen that they have made changes in the editor, some of these changes involve removing the toolbar buttons such as justified and underlined text. If you want to recover them, we are going to tell you the steps to follow.

How to retrieve underscore and justified buttons in WordPress

To retrieve the justified and underlined buttons, you need to install a WordPress plugin. This plugin is Re-add text underline and justify and you can download it from the WordPress page.

This plugin is an excellent option because it is light and does what it promises, returning the buttons to the editor with an option. You will even be able to put them where they were before so that everything "returns to normal". Specifically, it allows you to choose between 3 options: default (without the buttons), add the buttons again and rearrange them as in WordPress 4.6, or simply add the buttons again, both in the second row.

You can see this Plugin working in the following image:

From the Settings you will find the Writing option (after installing this Re-add text underline and justify plugin). As you can see in the previous image, in the case of Writing you will find the “ Editor Style “ option. From here, you can choose for example default to add the underline and justified buttons to the WordPress editor. But you will have the 3 options that we have mentioned above.

So if you want to retrieve the underline and justified buttons in WordPress, you see that you don't have to do anything out of this world. You will only have to install the plugin that we have left you from the previous link to WordPress and that's it. You can search it from your WordPress also if it is more comfortable for you.

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