
How to repair external hard drive 【step by step】 ⭐️

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It is possible to repair an external hard drive Did you know? Try to recover the data you have lost by following this tutorial. Ready?

It is possible that our hard disk breaks and we lose all the data that was inside. This is a chore, so many of you ask us how to repair an external hard drive. When transporting it from one side to the other, it may fall or we may disconnect it while it is carrying out operations.

Next, we teach you how to repair an external hard drive step by step.

Index of contents

Repair it without formatting

Normally, we will want to recover our external hard drive without having to lose any data contained in it, right? Well, there are various methods or " tricks " to achieve this.

We show them below

Method 1: chkdsk

This method does a quick " check " on our hard drive to find out what the problem is. With that said, let's move on to action.

Before starting: open your browser and go to "This computer" to find out what letter your assigned external hard drive has, such as "F:" or "G:".

In my case, the letter of my external hard drive is G:

  • Open the Start Menu and type " cmd ". Run as administrator.

  • We write chksdsk. For example, in my case it is “ chkdsk g: “. We hit enter. If it doesn't show us anything:
      • Disk boot sector damaged.
          • Solution: you would have to write " chkdsk g: / F ". Solution: write “ chkdsk g: / r ” to correct the disk sector.
      • We do not have administrator permissions. This will tell us directly.
    We go to " My computer " and check that we can access the hard drive without problem.

We recommend reading:

  • Best SSD on the market

Method 2: disk manager

In this case, we will have to go to the "disk manager" of Windows to carry out the whole process from there.

  • Open Start Menu and type " disks ". Open " Create and format hard drive partitions ".

  • We right click on the hard drive and go to " Properties ". We will go to the " Tools " tab and click on " Check ". We can only pray.

Method 3: recover deleted files

To do this, keep in mind that the time that passes since the file was deleted is crucial to recover it. There is a difference between recovering a file deleted 1 year ago, to a file deleted hours ago. So, act as soon as possible to get it back.

When deleting a file, the information is kept even if you don't believe it. So we can recover it with the use of programs like Filerecovery or Pandora Recovery.

From here we wish you luck, friends.

Method 4: reinstall hard drive driver

Hope should not be lost, so try this option if we have not been able to repair the hard drive with the previous methods.

  • Open the Start menu and write " device manager ". Open the application and go to " Disk drives". Right-click on the external hard drive and click " Uninstall the device ".

  • You restart the PC and the drivers will be reinstalled automatically.

Format the hard drive

If your hard disk is corrupt, it is not recognized or we cannot enter it without the previous solutions taking effect, we will have to format it. It's painful to say, I know that nobody likes to format, but there is no other option at this point.

You can format in a thousand different ways. We show you the easiest way to do it.

  • Open the file explorer and go to " My Computer ". Right click on the hard drive and click " format ". Here, you can choose the file system. We recommend NTFS, if you use Windows.

  • You will get a warning saying that you will lose everything. Click on it and it will be formatted.

So far this little tutorial on how to repair an external hard drive step by step. If you have not been able to recover your hard drive, it is time to rethink whether to take it to a hard drive recovery laboratory and think about paying for your data.

From the Professional Review, I wish you luck so that you can recover your data without having to format it. Has this tutorial helped you? Do you know of a different method?


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