How to fix Windows 10 dhcp error

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If you are a Windows user, you will know better or the same as I do that, as it is an operating system, there are many and very varied errors and failures that you can come across, from some merely testimonial and even insignificant, to others more serious than even They can prevent you from working. One of those failures is the DHCP not activated error, which causes serious internet connectivity problems. Let's see how to solve it in a simple way.
Activate DHCP in Windows 10
DHCP, for its acronym in English “Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol”, is the dynamic host configuration protocol, that is, a standard whose fundamental mission is to make the task of managing and configuring IP addresses and others less complex and difficult. aspects of network configuration. Given that currently most users have a lot of devices connected to the same router (computers, tablets, consoles, decoders, televisions, smartphones…), sometimes problems can arise when assigning IP addresses. It is then when the DHCP error is not activated that we are going to solve today.
To solve this failure, we must activate DHCP for Wi-Fi or Ethernet, depending on the type of connection we use:
- Open the Control Panel on your Windows 10 computer Visit the Network and Sharing Center Select the option "Change adapter settings" Based on the type of connection you are using at those moments, choose between Wi-Fi or Ethernet
- Now select "Properties" Double click on "Internet Protocol TCP / IPv4". Another new window will open showing the properties of the protocol in which we want to activate DHCP. Check these two boxes:
- "Obtain an IP address automatically" "Obtain the DNS server address automatically"
Solved! From now on, our Windows 10 computer will be able to retrieve the IP from the DHCP server. When you want to disable this option, simply follow the steps indicated above and uncheck the two boxes that we have now ticked.
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