
Change comma by period in windows

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On many occasions working with spreadsheets we have encountered the problem that when we press the point on the keyboard number a comma appears. This is one of the most common changes when we work day by day in our work, turning into a great warm-up of the head… I have made this mini guide to solve this problem in three small steps.

Depending on the Windows operating system we have at home, the route is almost the same, just change the name. In this case I have done it with Windows 8.1.

First step

We must access the Control Panel and once inside look for the "Region" option. In previous versions it was called "Regional and Language Options".

Second step

A window appears, here we must click under the first combo the option " Change sort method ".

Third step

We stay in the "number" tab, we are going to replace the comma with the point in the "Decimal symbol" option and press accept.

Now we open our spreadsheet or word processor and we can see that we have already configured the numeric keyboard. To enjoy!


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