
Cambridge analytica has not deleted the data of the Facebook users yet

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The Cambridge Analytica and Facebook scandal has no intention of ending soon. The company claimed in its day that they had deleted all the data of the users of the social network they had in their possession. Although it seems that reality is not like that. And they still have the information of about 140, 000 users in the state of Colorado.

Cambridge Analytica has not yet deleted the data of Facebook users

This is information that dates back to 2014 and would have been used to send messages with the intention of influencing the decisions of these users. The presence of this information serves to deny the company's statements saying that they had no data on their property.

Cambridge Analytica still has private data

The company had stated that they were going to undergo an independent audit to demonstrate that they had no data on their property. But since Channel 4 in England they have been investigating and it has been shown that they still have a lot of data stored. They mainly have a database of users in Colorado and also data from residents of Oregon.

In addition, this information has been circulated in company emails and other related companies such as SCL. So these data have been exposed to many people. According to various media, these data were used by the Republican Party in that state to obtain information on related voters.

Cambridge Analytica is currently under investigation. Therefore, information of this type may continue to be revealed in the coming days. Without a doubt, everything indicates that there is still much to know about this scandal.

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